Thursday, August 2, 2018

My Weekly Garden Walk.....Week 6....May 10,2018...The tulips are dwindling, and the Iris are stealing the show.

The Tulip Festival is over and the tulips are
starting to die, but there are lots of other plants in bloom.
The Garden is no longer packed with people.  Next year 
I will have to take some photo's to show just how many people are around 
during the Tulip Festival.

Here is a Poppy flower in different stages of blooming.

I don't know if you can see this but there are 
lots of poppies out around the trees.

The bee's are busy in the garden.
some days there are so many that their 
humming is loud.  I like to watch them.

The stream is still surrounded by tulips.

The Iris are now blooming around the garden.

This is the snow ball tree or bush.  I have
to look that up and find out.

A close up of the flowers. 
I have realized that often I'll take a close up of a flower
and not show the whole plant.  I have to start doing both.

The Trees are the real show right now.
I don't remember in years past 
noticing all the trees in bloom.
This is a Golden Chain tree.

A Yellow Swallow Tail Butterfly.
I have put together a bugs in the garden book.
one interesting fact I have learned doing this is that
butterflies have to warm their wings up before they can fly.

I think that is what this butterfly is doing. 
That is probably the reason I was able to get so many
good photo's of it.  Because it just wasn't warm enough to fly.

These are Allium Flowers.  
They make me think of  Dr. Seuss.
They look like something from one of his books.

A Wisteria flower.  It is growing along the 
bridge going to the Monet Pond.  

Peony Flowers before they open.  I'm always amazed
at how small the flower bud is, to how big the 
flower is once it has bloomed.

This area of the garden is called
the Monet Pond.

It's only been a week since I've seen the goose family
and look how big the babies are. 

A view of the Italian garden.

This is in the Fragrance Garden.
It smells like Chocolate.  There are 
no more tulips in this part of the garden.
I think they are planting different herbs.

This is a Calendula Flower.

Some close up photo's of Lilacs.

I love this pure white Iris.

An Allium flower.  Do you see the busy bee?

I call this the Rapunzel Tower.

The door way into the Secret Garden.

A Pink Clematis flower.

Golden Rope tree flower.
The bees really liked this flower.

An Anemone flower.
I thought this was an interesting photo
just how the light is going through the flower.

These tulips remind me of candy canes
with the red and white pattern.

Can you imagine yourself sitting here
surrounded by the flowers, listening to 
the birds singing.  It's just wonderful.

Strawberry flowers.

I never realized all the different colors Iris flowers came in.

I'm not sure if this is a flower or leaf..
What do you think?

A purple Columbine flower.

These little tulips are part of the Water Wise garden.

These are a water wise type plants.
I'll have to find out what type of plant it is.

Do you see the bug sitting inside this flower?

Wisteria flowers.
Well that is all for this week. I enjoy seeing how the plants in the garden 
change from week to week.  Some plants have flowers that seem to 
last forever and others only last a few days or even hours. 
I'm amazed that I find new flowers almost every week.
Do you have a favorite flower?
What photo was your favorite this week?

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