Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dynamite The Rescue Cat. Book Review : Pumkin Patch Cats. A cute Childrens Halloween Book.

Here is a cute little Halloween book.  
Dynamite and I enjoyed reading this. 
It's one of my Halloween decorations kept from when my children were young.
My Daughter loved all things cats and my parents got her this 
Autographed book.  The writer I'm sure is from Vermont.

Dynamite wants to to be sure that while you are 
enjoying Halloween that you keep your cats safe.
Many cats get scared at Halloween and end up lost.
I would think it would be really scary for a cat to be lost on 
Halloween night when everyone is out dressed in strange costumes.
We plan on keeping Dynamite locked up in our bedroom until trick or treating is
done in our neighborhood. This way she won't accidently run out of 
the house and get lost.  Please have plan for your pet this Halloween that
will keep them safe. 
You can learn more about keeping pets safe at Halloween from 
Dr. Kat on her podcast Nine Lives with Dr. Kat.
Dynamite and I enjoy this podcast.  It's very informative.

Here is a cute little cat bag I got to keep all the books
I need to read in.   Even my husband thinks its cute!  

Here is Miss Dyna sun bating in summer....

And then we all blinked our eyes and it is fall.
Dynamite would also like people to know that they need
to make sure if they get a young kitten to have it spayed or neutered as young as
possible.  There is a cat crisis right now in our city.  The Rescue groups and shelters
have way too many cats and not enough people coming in to adopt.
Please do not add to this issue.  Kittens are cute, but they grow up to be cats and they all
need good homes.  The Shelters and Rescue groups need our help in spreading the word.
Kimber and Dynamite.
Please if you can help here is the website of one of our 
rescue groups.  This is the group that helped Dynamite get her forever home.

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