Friday, September 25, 2015

They Think I might be a Terrorist....My interesting experience with the TSA....Things I won't do before a flight.....

After getting lost and car sick we are finally at the airport...Hey look there is a huge moose here...I have a headache and can't wait to find a place to sit and eat something....
My husband is checking in some of our luggage as we seem to have accumulated more items on this trip than what we packed....As we stand in line for security I'm jealous of our children who got the "Get out of TSA Screening"  Pass....We are told that they are doing a new screening today....We are scanning your hands....Hmmmm...They wave the magic wand over my hands....Beep.....Beep...."Oh....You didn't pass this test..."  What??  My husband is no help..."Honey...What have you been doing...What have you been touching..."  I'm thinking please...Please shut your mouth....  All these people start coming over trying to explain that I now must go through some other test....One thing I'll never do when traveling on a plane is wear my fit bit....I wear the one you clip to your pants....I forget it is there....Beep...Beep..." Oh...You didn't pass this test either....Well we will need to take you over to this room....We will need to search through all your belongings...We'll have your husband watch us do that...."What could be on my hands??"  well sometimes it's soap or hand sanitiser....So I shouldn't wash my hands before flying???  Off to the little room...With these women...I get the whole body pat down...I'm just thankful I'm keeping my clothes on to tell the truth...Now my husband who was making jokes is getting nervous...No I don't want him in the little room with me....He can stay out there and be nervous...My kids are nervous... Phone calls are being made...People are staring at me and I'm wondering..."What did I touch??"  No one says what my hands have trace elements of...I feel a bit annoyed and yet I have just read this book on going with life and not worrying. so I just let life happen..The women and I decide this will be a good story to tell... I wish I had my camera...but maybe they wouldn't think it appropriate to take in the little room...The TSA lady with the purple gloves....They have not decided yet if I'm free to go or if they need to investigate more of my life.We have never had someone fail two test before.......It's a big thing for them...They have my drivers phone number...I'm sure I'm on some list now...The she may be a terrorist list.....
Here I am sitting...Waiting...There are so many people in TSA suits staring at me that I think I might be a terrorist....I think I am on some list for life....I'm sure I have something on my hands that must be toxic and I'm trying to figure out what in the world I touched...I want to get to the bathroom and scrub my hands....  Don't I look like your typical children are smart....Mom anyone can be a terrorist...That's the problem with life these days...A woman with her husband and children could be a terrorist....That is our sad reality.... In the end though we are finally sitting and eating headache is going away and we can laugh about it....I'm glad the full body pat down doesn't include taking clothing off...I'm glad our airport security takes things seriously because I don't want to be on a plane and have it crash or blow up because they thought someone didn't look like a terrorist and let them go through when their machines said check them out....My husband keeps joking that perhaps I'll be on the evening news...I still want to slap him....Anytime I wear this shirt I think....This is my "Terrorist shirt"....Don't mess with me today... And I have fun telling my story.....
We are now on the first plane...Totoro was not considered suspicious...he didn't have to have a pat down...We get the window seat....
The rain and clouds match my mood...Vacation is over.....The flights out for vacation seemed to go so fast...The flights home dragged on and my whole body started to ache...

We are waiting for our peanuts and soda...I'm surprised that with so many people with allergies that they still give out peanuts....I just want to sleep...But sleep is impossible on a plane...
Well at least my daughter is smiling...She is glad her mom is not a terrorist...has not been taken off to prison...she is glad to be going home....Our cat is waiting for us....She (the cat) slept on top of me the whole night....I missed you she tells me...
Flight two....We are almost is nice to look out the window and see the world from up above...
When we get off the plane we won't be breathing in the air and exclaiming how wonderful it is...We will be ready to just have a quick drive home and fall into our beds...
There is a full moon....The view I saw was better than what the camera took...Funny how that happens...We had a grand adventure and I have to say the whole TSA thing made it that much more of a tale to tell....But when I fly again...I'll be sure not to touch anything...and to not wear my fit bit....And to pray for the "GET OUT OF TSA SCANNING" Pass...Though I'm quite sure I'm on some list now and I fear I may get the full body pat down anytime I fly....Which makes me not want to fly ever again.... Hope you enjoyed reading my vacation blogs.... I have to dream up a new vacation to go on...I'm hoping that I get to go to Scotland someday....

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