Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Goodbye New Jersey....Hello long drive to Vermont.....

We had three wonderful days in New Jersey and it was very hard to say goodbye to everyone...Especially my Mother in Law.  It was so nice to have time visiting with her and still very hard to believe that my Father in Law has passed away...It was nice for us to be able to go and see his grave site and yet I still have times where I just can't believe he is gone...Last night was one of those nights where I sat in bed saying prayers being thankful for my healthy family and then thought of how death can just come when you least expect it.  And then there are tears and that feeling of who will be next....So I hug my family more often and devote time to my husband and children making each moment special...That is the hard thing of moving so far away from all your family...Not getting that time together...
I look at these photos and think how could my children have grown so fast!  It seems like just yesterday they were little babies and my mother in law was there helping me take care of them.  She was always just a phone call away.  She was the babysitter, and the provider of lots of clothing and candy (she always seemed to know when the candy in the house was running low).  When something was wrong I called Nana...She always had the answers...I'm so thankful for all she has done for our family.
After a long goodbye....Maybe a see you in a few months instead of goodbye....We got our car packed and started on the long drive to Vermont...
And off we go heading north on Highway 287.....Do I miss New Jersey?  No not really...But I miss all our family and friends....

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