Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus = No garden walking in April. 31 days until garden walking....I hope... Stay Safe, Stay in.

So the count down to walking the gardens will begin again.
There may be some tulips when the gardens open in May.
If the gardens open in May.

Well one project I have been doing while staying inside has been 
sorting through all my flower photos. 

I am putting them together by type of flower.

As I go through them I am editing them a little,
and deleting the ones that I don't like.

I have always wanted to make a "Flower Meaning" book
and a book with flowers and poetry about them. 

I have never had the time because I've been too busy 
out walking in the gardens and photographing to 
sit down and actually organize everything.

Now with the stay home, stay safe directive I have the time.

So as I sort through all these photos I will share them with you 
and perhaps as I progress I will then share the flower meanings and
some poetry that I have found.

 I have had the last 4 days off.  It has been so nice to relax.
I am also during this time of needing to stay home decluttering
my office, again.  I tend to do this often, but this time
I am getting rid of even more.

We do still go out for walks at the lake.  It is 
in our county and we stay away from the rest of the world.
I will share some photos of that later.

Oh how I miss my garden walking.  I am thankful that we are all
staying healthy.

I will be printing out some photos later and sending cards.
I guess I will need to make an online order for ink and photo paper. 
I really don't want to go to any store I don't have to go to.

I am trying hard not to watch the news today.
I have a fascination with the Coronavirus map.  
Then I get sucked into reading stuff, and then I get a lovely panic attack. 
So I have to distance myself from the never ending gloom.

I think really more people will survive than die from this.
There are probably people who have it and don't even know they have it. 
We are lucky, we are all healthy.  I am thankful for that. We are all doing well with 
staying home.

I hope this all ends soon, and less people die than they think will.
I hope all this staying home flattens the curve. 

Until then I will look through my thousands of photos.
I will pretend I am walking the gardens.
when the weather gets warmer I will work on my own gardens which I have
neglected the last few years. 

And then a bright day will come, this virus will be done,
and we will all be able to go out again.
I think we will be so ready for that day.

The things I have been doing lately to rest and relax are
reading books.  I have tons of books I have bought and 
not read due to my love of going places on my day off,
so now I'm reading them.

Watching movies.  I love that you can just rent a movie from
amazon and watch it.  It is a nice way to end my day.

Getting my life organized.

Going though my family history paper work and getting rid of stuff I don't need
and keeping just the vital records.

I have been doing family history everyday again.
I used to be such a family history nerd.  So it has been fun to start doing that
again. It amazes me that I still find more people in my family tree.

I'm going to start making a master cook book and put
all my favorite recipes in it. I am keeping in touch by making
cards and sending them to friends and family.

I'm listening to podcast.  Mostly about cats.  Right now my cat is 
sitting on my hand as I type.  This is not easy.  Ugh.

I am going to start to look for quotes, poems, and other 
garden things and put some new photography books together.

I'm also exercising.  Thank goodness we have a treadmill.
I need to also do exercises for my back. 
I keep doing something to cause it to hurt.  Ugh!

I'm daydreaming of being a few months out and back at the gardens.
I think if the sun comes out and it becomes warm I will just sit on my back porch and
soak it in.
Stay safe my friends. 
Stay home if you can.
We can get through this.

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