Friday, March 20, 2020

Spring is officially here...Will I get to walk at the gardens this year?? Coronavirus week 2.

It is the second day of spring and next weekend the gardens
were supposed to open.  I even weeks ago asked for the
weekend off so that I could spend my morning walking the gardens before
the Tulip festival began and the gardens become too crowded.

It is now the second week since the Coronavirus has hit the United States.
Here in Utah you are no longer allowed to be in a group of more than 10 people.
Non essential places are being shut down. This means that
possibly the gardens will not open. 
I am so praying that by April 10th this will all be a bad memory
and that the gardens will be open for people to walk through.

Usually if they do not have a big event there is barely anyone in the gardens.
We will see what happens.  Since we are told to Social distance, and
remain away from others I have been looking through my photos from last year.

We had an earthquake a few days ago, this lead to even more panic.
I work in a grocery store so it has been very crazy busy where I work.
I am tired, glad that I have had two days in a row off, and that my 
next shift is not an early morning shift.

One thing that people who call in just can't understand is that all things that
used to be normal are no longer normal.
We don't know when trucks are coming, we don't know what will be on the trucks or even how much.
People get so angry at us.  They say we are not giving good customer service. 
It's hard to constantly have to answer phones and not be able to help.

I have been trying really hard the last two days to 
not read the news, to just relax.  To just focus on the positive things in my life.
I have a job that is needed in this moment.  I'm so thankful for that.
My husbands job is also still needed.  
In the last recession we both lost our jobs and had to move across the country
away from all our family.  So this is a great blessing for us.

I feel like Heavenly Father is watching over my family and I 
am so thankful for that.  In this time of unknowns, I see God 
taking care of us.  Thank You Heavenly Father.

When this is over I will continue to clean out my house of all the clutter, 
making more space to store food, and items for if another strange storm in 
this life hits.

For now I will find things to be thankful for each day.
I will look for the blessings God is sending my way.

I pray that this will pass soon.  That we will learn and grow and move forward a stronger

Hopefully in April when all the flowers are blooming
I will be back to photographing them.

What are you doing during this global crisis?

Are you still working?
Are you seeing God's hand in your life?
Are you going crazy in your house?
What things are you doing to keep busy?

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