Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Desperately Seeking Toilet Paper.. The Coronavirus effect that seems a little weird.

If someone had told me a month ago that I would be guarding toilet paper at work, and only allowing
customers to buy one package I would have laughed.  Yet that is what I have been doing since March 15th.  I can not believe that toilet paper is an item that stores seem to have run out of due 
to the Coronavirus.  
I also answer the phones where I work and the most asked question is "Do you have toilet paper."
People are desperate for what seems such a basic item.  I hate having to tell them that we do not have toilet paper and that I don't know when we will get it in. The unfortunate thing is that we don't
know what product is coming in our delivery trucks anymore.  
I'm not sure when you are told to have a year supply of storage if toilet paper is one of the items listed.
The crazy thing of this story is that my husband and I this past summer were talking about
starting to buy more food storage for ourselves because we finally had a little extra income.
I asked my husband what one item he would want to have if there was a major issue.
My husband had said "toilet paper, I don't want to run out of toilet paper." 
I had thought that was a weird thing to stock up on, but decided as a joke to add that to 
our beginnings of things to store up for our  years supply of items.  
So thankfully for our little family we have toilet paper.  But I feel awful for all the people out there who just want some toilet paper and can not get it anywhere.  It's so strange.
I hate to think that there are people who bought cases of toilet paper and don't need them all and their are other people who have nothing right now. 
I believe that this Coronavirus is going to teach us many lessons in the next few weeks.
I hope that in a few weeks we will all be able to look back, sigh that it is over and yet also look for the lessons so next time we will be prepared. 
How are you surviving the Coronavirus?
Are you staying home?
Do you still have to work? 
Take care my friends.

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