Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tale of The Messy Fitting Rooms..... Why I am so glad I don't work in a retail clothing store anymore!

As I declutter my life and go through all my photos, I have
come across photos from my previous job.  It feels like I never worked there 
to tell the truth. I can't believe I will be heading into my 
fifth year at what I always call my "new job". I guess it's not really so new anymore.
I think I know why you were not supposed to carry phones with you at work.  Look at this mess!

Everyday when I got to work this was what waited for me and my fellow co-workers.
Piles and piles of clothing in the fitting rooms.  I really have an issue with even shopping for
clothes anymore, because I just can't think of going into a public fitting room.

I always wondered was it just one woman trying on a dozen bra's or was
it lots of women.  I guess fitting rooms are not like public bathrooms.  If you 
go in and it's dirty I guess you still try stuff on and add to the pile unlike bathrooms,
most people if they go in and the bathroom is dirty they will find a stall that is clean to use, not just add to the mess.  I guess that is a good thing right?

I remember having customers come in and yell at me because the fitting rooms were not
clean, or they felt an area of the store looked bad.  Asking why the night cleaning crew did not do a better job of cleaning the store.  I wish there had been a magical night cleaning crew. 

Most of the time once the Christmas season is over retail clothing stores
cut all employees hours.  We always worked  with what I would call a skeleton crew.  The bare bones amount of people you could have and still function.
If one person called out sick your life was going to be hell.
Although looking back my life the last few months working at this place was HELL.

I would leave for work and say to my family "pray for me I'm going to hell."
That last holiday season was when my eyes opened and I realized I no longer 
wanted to be in this crazy retail environment.  I no longer wanted to be cleaning up after 
messy people, I no longer wanted to be a credit card pusher.  I kept telling my 
co-workers that I would be leaving.  I started to realize I was worth more than what I was being paid.

I started to see that I was not valued as an employee.  I was not treated with respect by management
or customers.  It was a long few months, but then as I began to look for a new job I realized I should have looked so much sooner.

I haven't looked back much since leaving. I don't ever shop at this 
particular retail store.  I won't name names, 
but if asked I would tell all women don't shop here.  They don't 
treat their female employees well.  Women should stand up for women.

Anyways seeing these photos of the messy fitting rooms made me think
"THANK YOU GOD!  I am no longer working at that place."
In my house this store's name is a swear word, it's never mentioned.
My daughter is extremely glad I no longer work there as she gets much cooler clothes now.
Me I order my clothing on line.  I just can't go into a fitting room. 
I have a hard time not wondering how many other people might have tired this on?
I have a very small amount of clothes now.  
I also have a great job.  I'm heading into year five and life is so much better. 
Have you ever worked in a retail clothing store?
Have you ever walked into a fitting room and wondered why everything was so dirty?
What's your retail horror story?

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