Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Month To Garden Walking. Yellow Tulips my slow project of sorting out my photography. April 2, 2020

Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum.  
It's the color that captures our attention more than any other color.

It's the color of happiness, and optimism, of enlightenment and creativity,
Sunshine and spring.

It's the color that most catches the human eye.

Yellow shines a light on the sluggish or stalled areas of thought.

In Victorian times the yellow tulip was used to describe a person who has
a bright, radiant and enigmatic smile.

Since the yellow tulip is associated with sunshine, it's often used as a thanksgiving
for the return of warmth as well as abundance after a long winter season.

Yellow tulips originated from Turkey.  It was
originally a wild flower.

There is a poetry book called "Yellow Tulips" 
By James Fenton.  I will have to try and
see if I can get a copy and see what it is about.

The Hamilton Tulip features vibrant canary golden yellow fringed blooms.
It grows up to 20 inches tall and will create dazzling harmonies with other late season flowering bulbs.

Perhaps this flower will be still blooming in may.

Well I hope you enjoyed the bright and sunny looking yellow tulips.
I have had fun learning a bit about the color yellow, and about 
tulips.  Here is a a tulip poem I found.
" In the garden 
tulips grow
Straight and golden
in a row.
Each one holds
its empty cup
Drinking rain
and Sunshine up."
By V.W. Lachicotte

Well my Friends Stay safe, Stay home if you can.
I will be doing more tulip stuff.  Maybe every day.  We will see.

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