Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Synchronized Pelican Swimming... Or Synchronized Pelican feeding.... Enjoy 4/29/2020


I'm to my weekend!  Yeah!
Yesterday I got home with my groceries that will ensure I don't
have to go to the store until I work again, and once unloaded my
husband and I got in the car and drove to our favorite spot by Utah Lake.

We took a walk and found the Pelicans.
There is something that is just so amazing about these birds.

We enjoyed just standing on the edge of the lake
watching them swim about.

What I find interesting is that they will all have their 
heads up and then all of them put their
heads underwater at the same time.

I'm not sure if it helps them to catch the fish.
It's certainly fun to watch.

I'm so glad to have two days off,
I do feel like I should be wiping stuff down every hour
in my house, and want to put some directional arrows 
on the floor to direct the flow of traffic in my house.

I'm about to work on getting some house cleaning check lists
made so I know I've cleaned everything every hour,
but I'm sure this is a good thing to do. 
I'm actually looking forward to being in my garden.
I'm trying to decide if I should buy a cat stroller so I can
take my cat outside while I work.

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