Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Bird Watching at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. April 21, 2020

To get away from the world we drove out to the Bear River Migratory
Bird Refuge.  It was wonderful to be out where 
there is no one near you and lots of birds to look at.

This Grebe kept sticking his leg up in the air, not
sure why it was doing this.

A pair of Cinnamon teals.

My husband and I really like the Grebe.  It's just a cool looking bird.
It was nice to just stop the car and watch what the birds were doing.

The most populous bird was the American Coot. 
They were everywhere.

Most of the time when I post photos of birds I show the
best of the best.  I took over 150 photos yesterday.
Most of them look like the photo above.  The bird with it's head in the water.

While I mostly post photos of birds close up,
the reality is the birds are pretty far away from me.
I'm doing a lot of zooming in on them.  
Holding the camera steady...

Hoping that when I take the photo the bird keeps
its head above the water... 

Again the head is in the water.

This one is close.

I'm not sure what this bird is, I will probably come back and
edit this blog post after I find out what bird this is.
It was very hard to get a good photo of it, one because 
it kept putting it's head in the water, and
2 because of the sunlight and the fact that he is a blackish color.

Here is a pretty good photo.

This is a 12 mile loop drive, with beautiful views.

This is such a beautiful looking bird. 
I would love to touch it, it's feathers look so soft.

Here is the zoomed in photo.

This is how far away the bird really was.

So even though it looks like I was really close, I was not.
That is why some of the photos may be a bit blurry.

It was so exiting to see Pelicans. 

I really like this photo of the pelican getting ready to fly away.

There are lots of bugs flying about.  This one wanted to help
drive the car. 

The zoomed in photo.

Where the pelican really was.

This is a probably a double-crested Comorant, the sun light
and the fact that he is black made it hard to get a good photo.

A pair of Grebes, I want to come back when the babies are around and
see them carrying them on their backs.

More photos of the pelicans.

They have to be really well fed here, as he is sitting on
a bunch of fish.  I believe the fish are carp. You can see the 
water under the pelican is disturbed, that is the carp swimming around.

The Comorant again.

There were tons of Yellow Headed black birds. 
This is the view from the car.

A more zoomed in view.

And here are the really zoomed in photos.
These are pretty birds.

The last bird that we saw was a Northern Shoveler.

This is how far away the bird was, well maybe father away because
I think I was in the passenger seat of the car leaning over my husband to
get the photo.

Here is the pelican flying  along the little river way.
It was such a lovely drive, we had our favorite music playing,
we had snacks and we just enjoyed being away from the world.
Watching the birds, and enjoying the sun and breeze.
I will admit there were some spots where there were swarms of bugs,
but it wasn't constant and I think right now I would take a few
bugs over face masks and gloves.
Hope you enjoyed seeing these bird photos.

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