Thursday, April 30, 2020

Red Tulips. The Gardens Open tomorrow! 4/30/2020

May first is tomorrow and the slow opening of Utah is
going to start.  I guess because I have worked through this
pandemic I have not felt like things were as closed down as other
people.  I have missed going places like gardens, eating out,
going to the movie theater.

I'm not sure how the reopening will work because I don't think
that all people are going to want to follow the rules.
Working in a grocery store I see how people don't 
follow the suggested rules. 

Most customers do not walk the designated way, most customers
don't wear face masks.  So this opening should be interesting.

14 people have tested positive of the virus where my husband works.
He was very concerned last week while others were not, now I think
he has gotten used to it and those who were not concerned last week are on edge.

I think that is the big thing right now, everyone is on edge,
a little more stressed than normal. Maybe a lot more stressed than normal. 
I have just decided to trust in God.  Each morning I wake up that I am 
not sick from this virus I say thank you.  I focus on being positive and I focus
on keeping myself healthy.  I can only really control myself and how I react to
this, and I choose to be calm and positive.

As I have been going through my photos I have been thinking about my 
Photography.  What is the goal of my going out and taking photos. 
I realized that my goal is to capture photos that make good cards.
I want to  have the flower or subject of the photo positioned so 
that when print it out it looks nice as a card.
I think the above photo will make a really nice card.

I like this photo because you get to see the different petal
textures.   I'm not sure this would be the best printed out.  There is a 
scientist hidden inside of me.  I often think I missed my calling in life.

I love studying nature.   I love learning about the world around me.

Some of the photos I take are so that I can
have a record of the names of each tulip at the tulip festival.

I like how with some of the photos I have the flowers in the front and the
Rapunzel tower in the back.  I want to get a photo of 
Mr. James and I kissing in the Rapunzel tower.

I like how the flower bends over the name.
Spryng, spring it is still spring.  There is still so 
much beauty in this world.

I have been enjoying my two days off from work.
I am getting the house nicely cleaned.

Once I am done with this blog post I am
going down to print out cards.

I found a website that has a way for you 
to send letters to elderly people who are 
shut in due to the virus. 

I'm excited to make up some nice cards and
send them out to people.

I call them my sunshine cards.
Plus I have my people I write to monthly that
I need to get cards to.

I have actually been working in my own garden
the past two days.  There is some hope that
I might have a few flowers this year.

I've never been able to figure out the right amount of 
water to do for gardens out here in Utah.

And wandering around gardens that other people take care
of has become so much easier to do.

I also have to get myself organized for the month of may.
I have been doing really well with my monthly goals.
Each month I change them up a little.   I am almost to walking
3 miles a day.  That is my goal for the end of may.

One goal I need to work on is eating healthier.
The virus has caused me to head right for my favorite comfort food.

That would Swiss rolls, and Pepsi. 
I need to get back to eat more fruits and veggies.

I'm really pleased with the fact that despite this
strange world that we have been living in 
I have been able to find normal in my life.

I think perhaps it is because I went through a really hard time
five years ago, and in that struggle I had
to learn to deal with huge emotional strain.

I learned coping skills that I have now
been able to use in a new stressful situation.

I really like this tulip with the jagged edges.

I like the pattern on the leaves of this tulip.

This year when I finally get out for photography again,
I am going to do some photos from all different angles.

I think this may make a good photo card.

Did you think there could be so many red

With so many different shapes and sizes.

I like these with the red and the white.

I'm not as big on landscape photography as I am with close up
photography.  Red flowers are hard to photograph,
sometimes they come out looking weird to me.

Well I have made it through 7 weeks of the coronavirus.
I really think I may have already come in contact with
someone who had it.  I really think my boss had it
before the world got shut down.  So perhaps I was a patient "Z"
someone who had it and showed no symptoms. 

If you would like a photo card leave a message with your address 
and I will send you one.
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and please wear the mask, it won't hurt you
and could keep someone from getting really ill.

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