Monday, March 18, 2019

Mourning the loss of my cat. Two months in and no the answer is not to get a new cat.

My sweet cat died from cancer two months ago.  I can say that this month has been easier than the previous months since she passed away.  There are things I still do though. 
I still sit in the window where her cat tree used to be and watch the birds and talk to her about the different birds that are at the feeders.  I still leave the bathroom door cracked so that she can come in because privacy in the bathroom is not something cats think are important.

Today as I started to clean my garden out and prepare for spring I kept looking at the back door thinking she would be there waiting for her treat of a few pieces of fresh picked grass.
I think she was part horse the way she got so excited to have a little grass snack. 
She always knew where I was.  She even greeted me at the door when I came home from work.  I still close the door when I'm taking groceries into the house.  She was a strictly indoor cat and I always worried she would get out and get hit by a car.  I kept her so safe in our house and yet nothing is safe from cancer.  It's this silent deadly killer.  
I find her cat hair everywhere still. Even though I feel like I have cleaned and cleaned the house. I actually like finding her cat hair.  It's almost as if she is saying "I'm still around."  I believe animals go to heaven too.  I believe she can still see me even though I can't see her. 
The one thing I will say is if you have a friend who has lost a pet don't tell them to get another one.
I'm just not ready for that yet.  I still want all the things this cat was to me.  Every animal has it's own personality and I'm not ready yet for a new personality.  I'm still missing my dear little fur friend.
We are also now grieving the loss of a close friend too.  The past few months have been
very emotionally draining.  Cancer has taken those we loved and left us feeling sad and 
a little angry. 
I have been working on ways to turn my grief into good. Everyday I answer trivia questions
on "FREEKIBBLE"  This helps to donate kibble and litter to shelter cats.
I have signed up for "AMAZON SMILE"  so every time I order from I donate to the local animal shelter.  I also plan on making fleece blankets for shelter cats and kittens and when I deliver them I will also donate food.  This summer my daughter and I are going to go to a cat cafe and visit with the shelter cats there.  When you pay to go in and visit the fee helps to pay for the care of the cats.  As I continue to find ways to help shelter cats I will share these experiences with you.

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