Monday, March 18, 2019

Mom of a Missionary. Emails from Mexico. March 18, 2019 Only One Email left of this Mission.

Look at your life (or mission) through heaven's eyes!

Hello, Family and friends! Elder Bowlby here.

This week, another cold front came in. I'm very sick (pun intended) of the cold because yes, I always end up getting a cold with the cold. This week we managed to have the most lessons of my mission, 24, but we didn't make the 140 contacts, short just by 17. It's really difficult to manage the time! We're having a lot of success teaching the restoration simply this week by means of a cardboard cut-out puzzle I made to teach the principle of the restoration. It works really well, especially with young children and families because they have a lot of fun piecing it together. Shame I only made it now! If I had only worked earlier...

This week I've been debating about my mission, if I've really served how I should and if I've really achieved what I would call "Success". Truth be told I have only had 5 baptisms, which is a very low number for missionaries who serve in this mission, but if we are to use the parable of the seed-sower, I've done a lot of "throwing-seeds-around". I've changed as a person, I have new perspectives... all in all, I would say that, yes! I have had success. All I have to do is finish strong, and avoid slacking off. Time is ticking but there is still time! We will see if I can get a baptism in before I go, but I'm not sure.

We're setting things up so that next transfer Miramar will have lots of success, in these last two transfers my companion and I have found a LOT of families. Overall, I've done a lot of work. There's a part of me that wants to stay, there's a part of me that wants to go.

So hang on! I'm not going to slack off just yet. I'm in the last moments and I'll live it well. I love you! Miss you dearly, but see you soon!

-Elder Bowlby

I have to say this brought myself and my husband to tears.  We are so happy that he feels his mission was a success.
I can't believe there will be only one more email.

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