Thursday, February 13, 2020

My New Year Word. FOCUSED.

Do you ever see on Facebook those ads at the 
new year about choosing a word for your year.
My word this year is "Focused."  Last year I tried bullet journaling, 
I didn't do too well, and then finally I found some planner pages that I liked.
I then took the pages and copied them to make a perfect 
daily planner for me. My planner has the things I want to 
focus on.  They are eating well, drinking lots of water, and exercise.
It also has a place to set daily goals and to write what I am grateful for.

I also found a few other trackers that I do.  
This is my daily habit tracker.  There are things that I want to focus on, and 
different days I focus on different things.  

I have a mood tracker.  Though I have to say I'm a pretty happy person.

I have a page to keep track of the books I hope to read.

Another thing I'm working on is spending less.  I have a budget page, 
and I have this no spend page.  I think I am doing better this month than last month.
I still have a ways to go.  But I'm more focused on it, so hopefully each month I
will have more days of not spending than spending.

I also want to blog more.  I don't make any money on this blog. 
But I just enjoy having a place to share my thoughts, even if no one reads them.
I am hoping to do a lot more blogs as the weeks go by. I want to do some 
creative writing, and to write about the things I learn about. 
This year I am studying all things cats.  
The other goal I have is to declutter my life. I am trying to 
declutter my home, my computer and my spiritual self. 
As the months go on, hopefully I will share with you how all this goes.
I can say this one month in and I am keeping better track of my life, and being 
more focused on the things that matter than I was last year.
So here is to a year of being Focused. 
Kind of funny to say when I  have my blog title as being "The Scattered Blogger."
Can this scattered woman become focused??
Time will tell.

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