Saturday, February 22, 2020

Decluttering equals wishing for spring.

I have a lot of big decluttering projects this year.
One is to organize my photo collection.

I love spending a day out at a garden just walking around and photographing the flowers.

This leads to tons of photos and what I hope to do this year
is organize them and then delete the ones that aren't that great.

Eventually my husband and I are going to pick our favorites and
have them printed and framed and put around the house.

During this process of looking through and organizing my photos
I have begun to wish it was spring time.

I am counting down the days until the gardens open again.

I am making plans for new places to visit and 
planing what I might want to focus on with my 
Photography this year. 

I hope one day this year to spend an entire day 
wandering the gardens.  

Maybe even bringing a picnic lunch along.

As I look at my photos I wonder how will the gardens be different this year?

What will be moved?  What new flowers will they have?

I really can't wait for spring to be here.
Here is a declutter quote that I have found :
"If your stuff isn't serving you,
it won't be serving you any better packed away in a box somewhere."
Melissa Camara Wilkins.
I am getting ready to go through all the boxes of stuff I have and get rid of things. 
Wish me luck.
Are you ready for spring?
Have you tried to declutter your life?

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