Sunday, February 17, 2019

My Cat and Cancer. Our last week January 18, 2019

My sweet cat Amber passed away on January 18, 2019.   She was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2019 and while I prayed the cancer would grow slowly we did not have the long time together that I had hoped for. 
We at least had a last Christmas with our cat.  This is one of the last photos I got of her where she was feeling OK.  One thing I learned was that when you are caring for a sick loved one, you find ways to just stop all the business of life and just spend time with the one who is unwell.  From October until my cats passing I put off doing many things to just come home and care for her.  I realized to that until she passed that was just how I had to organize my life.  I was ensuring that she was comfortable and had nourishment and lots of love.
The last week of her life she went into my daughters room and only left to use her litter box.  I would go in and spend time with her, feed her the kitty broth that she came to love.  I knew that her time was short.  I spent my one day off just holding her and telling her what a wonderful pet and friend she was to me.  I gave her all her favorite treats, grass, ice cream, and we spent the day cuddling.  I wanted her to have dignity in her last moments.  I wanted her to know how much she was loved.  I think that I did a good job with this.  I miss her so much.   I am very thankful to all my friends and family who took the time to give me a hug and to let me have time to feel sad for her loss. 
I am still mourning her loss, there are days where I still sit and cry, like now in this moment.
I have bought a few books on grief and grieving and they have helped. 
If you wonder what to say or do for someone who has lost their pet here are some suggestions from the books I read.

Acknowledge the persons loss.  You don't need to fix it but be there to listen.  You might say things like
" I'm so sorry your pet ( say the pets name) passed away, I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you."

I'm sorry you are going through this difficult time.
I'm here for you.
Be there to let them talk about their pet. 
Maybe give them flowers or a card.
One thing I would advise not to do is suggest they get another pet.  At the moment as much as I miss my cat, I really don't want a new pet.  I miss the spirit that lived in my house with me, a new pet would be a different personality. 
Some books say not to share your loss story, but I was OK with hearing about other peoples pet loss stories. 
You don't have to try to make someone who is grieving feel happy, and I know that it must be awkward to see someone hurting, but I have found letting myself feel the sadness actually allows me to move towards peace.   I will write more in the next month or two about grieving. 
Again thank you for the love you have given to me as I have gone through this process of caring for my sick cat and losing her.  There is something I am sure of her spirit lives on.  I will see her someday on the other side in Heaven. 

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