Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mom of a Missionary. Emails from Mexico, January 28, 2019

That was actually TOO MUCH food!

Hello, Family and Friends! Elder Bowlby here.

This week has been a strange, wacky, and wet roller coaster for me!

Monday was our journey to Tampico, and we went out to eat, walked around a bit, and enjoyed the city before returning to the suburbs.

Tuesday it began to rain again. Rain always means exaggerated quantities of mud, wet shoes, and there's a hole in my jacket now... so my left arm gets soaked no matter what, but it's all good. We had moderate success.

Wednesday we had our interviews with the mission president. We stayed all day in the mission home and had spaghetti and meatballs... mmmmmmm... President told us to keep a hold of our thoughts and that we need to keep inviting others to repentance. 

Thursday, we went off in search of more people to teach, and found a part-member family who had attended with us on Sunday! They have a bakery and gave us a lot of sweet bread... my favorite!! They have a lot of potential, and we're hoping they keep coming to church.

Friday was eeeeeeeeeeh! It rained a lot again, and we got messed around with the food calendar. We're 6 missionaries now so the sisters in the ward are working with feeding the 6 Elders... but the sisters weren't there this time... so we went to a mini-buffet.

Saturday we went with our investigators in the bakery again. The gave us breakfast and more bread. We taught about Joseph Smith and the restoration, as well as the priesthood... wow!
Then we went to lunch.
Then we found another investigator, Who, after recieving our brief talk about the book of mormon... gave us Tamales!
Then we found some less active members, who also gave us more bread!
Finally on the way back, we found more members who gave us Tortas al Pastor to eat for dinner... I was stuffed that day!!

Sunday we saw that our part-member family came to church, and things went well. We've got more work ahead of us this week too.

Here's a scripture for you:
It's another scripture about the Ammonite warriors. They're a good inspiration for us! Alma 57:27 reads:

27 Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.  

How can we have firm minds, and put our trust in God continually? I know that we have the power to control our thoughts and to keep our focus on the good and righteous. When we trust in God continually, we know that we can succeed!

I love you all, and I miss you! I hope you're all doing well, and I hope that you can stay strong! 

🐊🐊-Elder Bowlby🐊🐊

We got our son's travel and flight plans this week.  It makes it more real that he is coming home!!

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