Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Garden was calling to me this morning....End of May Photos....

I'm really happy to say that so far this spring I have been able to keep up with the work in the garden.  I finally have a day off, and it is not raining, so I went out and pulled weeds out and thinned some of the baby plants.
My Dianthus plants are so pretty.  I have to say that soon I'll have to thin even more as I put a huge amount of seeds in the garden.  Usually nothing grows, but with all the rain I have tiny seedlings everywhere.  Now I'm not even sure what they are.  We have been enjoying the rain though.  Everything is so green!
I like my yellow Carnation plant too.  The forks seem to be keeping the cat out.  I had to add a few more in one spot, but it the cat seems to have stopped using my garden as it's personal litter box.
I've planted Sedum and Hen's and Chickens in the back garden.  If I had my way I would not have a lawn of grass, I would have all kinds of flowering ground cover with stone pathways.  Perhaps that is why my husband has decided to build me a large container garden for on the deck, he is trying to keep me busy so I will stop planting things in the lawn.

This little plant has so many babies on it, I can't wait to plant them and watch them spread!
This is an Owl solar lamp that I bought for the garden....I've been given permission to buy more of them.  My son would like one that is a cat.  I have not found any more that I like yet. 
Our view from the back yard.  That is actually two mountains that you are looking at.  And in the fall you can drive around them...It is beautiful....I keep meaning to put together a post of our drive along the alpine loop.
Happy Sunday to you. Working in the Garden is so relaxing!

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