Sunday, May 31, 2015

Red Tulips....My Thanksgiving Point Graden Adventure......

The most popular type of Tulip is the Red Tulip.  There were lots of Red Tulips at the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival.
Some were planted together and some were planted with other colored tulips.
As you walk along the paths at Thanksgiving point you have rows of tulips each side of you.  For a Flower enthusiast this was wonderful.
They have a nice place where you can buy food and eat. All  around this area they have these big planters full of flowers.  I thought this one was so pretty.  I think if my husband really does make a planter for along our back deck I will try to plant something like this for the spring.
Here is a close up of the pot of tulips.
Here is a photo of another pot of flowers.

A Rainbow of colors.  Did you know that there are no Blue Tulips?  Some Tulips have a little bit of blue at the bottom of the flower but you can't get a totally blue tulip!
Here is a big section of Red Tulips...I would have loved to get the photo without the lady and her child..It annoys me when people are in my flower photos.  But her child walked so slow that I just gave up. It would have been so much nicer without them! Red Tulips symbolize love for another or hope in love.
There is a part of the garden where they tell you the names of the different Tulips.  I hope to go back next year and get photos of each tulip with it's name sign.  This sign says Tulip Red Emperor.
Of all the Tulips I think this one is my favorite, the red and white tulip called Estella Rynveld.  It reminds me of Christmas peppermint candies. Perhaps I will try to plant some tulip bulbs this fall and have something like this in my own garden.
Hope you enjoyed the red tulips as much as I did.

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