Monday, June 29, 2015

Glad to Just Be Me.....

When I was young my Elementary School went to the High School and watched a play...I think It was about Charlie Brown....The one thing I remember is this silly song called "Glad to Just Be Me"  It was about two people sharing what they like and learning about each other and then realizing they could be friends and still  be themselves...
Years ago in a Relief Society class the teacher asked what we would change about ourselves....I was the only person who wouldn't change anything....I was just glad to be me....But as I look at the world I feel sad for people...Young girls look at magazines and want to be thin like the models...They want to wear make so they look older...Older women want to change.... get rid of their stretch marks...They want to get rid of their baby stomach, or wrinkles.....Hide their grey hair.... Look like some young person....We can't seem to figure out in our society how to be happy with ourselves.....
Our society seems to be teaching us that we can only be happy if we change ourselves in some drastic way...We can only be happy if we are like everyone else or the majority of people....We can only be happy if we have lots of money...New cars...The right spouse....
The working mother is not as happy as the stay at home mom....or the stay at home mom is not as happy as the working mom....It's sad how we compare each other and fight with each other....I think the differences in the world are not there to make us miserable...They are there to make life more vibrant....I love to meet people who are different from me...I love to make friends with people from different cultures and beliefs...I love to learn about what they believe is true...and love to share what I like and believe....You can learn so much when you talk to new people.   I think before you can do that you need to be happy with who you are and love yourself...
When you are happy with yourself you can help others because you know yourself and you have your own rules....If I don't agree with someone I don't put them down.....I don't fight with them....I simply say "I don't agree with you...I can see your side and I can see my side and while I don't agree I can still be kind...I won't continue to talk on the subject that I disagree on...I will remain quiet.....My husband and I had a disagreement one day and I said this to him and then quietly walked away...He kept trying to prove he was correct...And I quietly said "I won't fight with you...You won't change your mind on this subject and I won't change mine...but I won't yell and scream over it.....I won't hurt you over it......So many people seem to want to fight over things...over what they know is right or wrong.....Hopefully someday we can find peace...It is sad to see people fight over opinions that won't change....We all feel we have rights to our opinions and yet we fight anyone who wants to believe differently...We need to look for ways to be kind and accepting of others and still be able to live to our own standard. 
We are all here to learn and grow...We are spirits having a human experience.....My most important job is to pass my own spiritual tests and to help guide my own family....My biggest concern is not others but myself...Am I learning what I came here to learn....Am I kind to others...Am I Loving to others.... I will not be judged by what others decided to do...I'll be judged by what I've decided to do....Perhaps the ultimate judge on the other side will be me....
God and I will sit down together and review my human life and either I will find that I made choices that were good or I made choices that were not good.  Our lives, our choices, our memories are all we take with us when we die....I can't see into others hearts as to why they choose the things they choose....I can only see into my heart, I can only judge myself....And I find that I'm happy to be me...Happy to live in my life and make my choices...I choose to be kind and uplift support people who are struggling....And be thankful my struggles are not as hard as others I know...I choose to learn and study about God....My way is not the only way...It's the way that I feel is right for me.....I'm thankful for what I have found and the peace I have found....I hope others find their own peace....

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