Thursday, July 31, 2014

# Throw Back Thursday.....Strawberry Fields...Summer and first jobs all in one......

Here is an old photo of my children in the strawberry fields of Bradford Vermont.  Whenever I see strawberries I think of my first job.  Waking up a five in the morning and being dropped off at the strawberry fields. 
At first you were cold and wet, while you picked basket upon basket of strawberries.  Then you were roasting and sticky.  Row by Row my brother and I and the other strawberry farm workers picked strawberries.  Of course you ate a few along the way.  My daughter has a perfectly filled basket of strawberries.  Although I don't think my knees have ever been the same, having kneeled for hours each morning during strawberry season, I do know that it was a good first job for me.  To be out in the fresh air, working to be able to buy my school clothes.  I learned the value of hard work and money.  And really there was no crazy office politics out there in the strawberry fields it was just you and a row of berries. 

It was fun to bring my children to this beautiful spot, and just remember being young and what summers were like in Vermont.  This year when July rolled around I went out and got strawberries and made all my favorite strawberry desserts. 
Strawberry Pie.....Strawberry Shortcake........and Scone's with fresh Strawberry Jam.  My neighbor actually made the jam and gave it to me. I also had a lot of Strawberry jam and peanut butter sandwiches at work this summer.  The Jam was just so good!
I have to say though.  There is nothing better than Strawberries picked fresh from the Strawberry patch!
Have a happy Thursday!

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