Monday, October 3, 2011

The Mommy Wars: Why we need to give each other a break!

Over the last few weeks while I have surfed the Internet I've discovered some news articles by the Huff Post about motherhood.  I've found them quiet interesting.  One mother who I take from the article is a working mom who takes a week off and finds out what life is like as a stay at home mom.  Which she calls a SAHM(. ) How do you pronounce that.  After a week she is glad to be back to work and praises the women who stay at home calling it a truly difficult job.  Then there is the Under Cover Working mom article.  So is she a UCWM?  She is a mom who works from home, so everyone thinks she's a SAHM but she isn't.  She gives good advice on how to get a little more respect when out with the kids.  Basically dress like you are a corporate manager and you won't wait as long as if you dress like you are about to go to yoga class.  Does the SAHM really want to buy a suit though to get waited on faster at the doctors office?  Is it worth it?  The last article was about the SAHM who has a hard time making MOM friends.  I can say that is hard.  If you are a SAHM it's hard to make friends and have time to visit among all the crazy schedules you have to balance for your children.  And as your children age you find that you lose contact with some friends, and have to work hard to keep contact with the friends you have.  As your kids become teens and don't need you at their "Hang out date".  My kids have told me they are so not play dates anymore!  You have to forge your own new friendships.  Plus sometimes that mom that you are friends with has a child that your child is no longer a good friend with.  That can make it awkward.   
As I read the articles I thought where do I fall in to this now?  I'm at home during the day, and work nights but only part time.  I still feel I'm a full time mom, but I'm working too.  I guess I'm lucky as I now have an idea of what it is like from both views.  I know it is hard to be a SAHM.  Not only is it hard it can be very isolating.  And people have such varying opinions on the subject.  I left many social gatherings with my husband absolutely annoyed at the working men and women who told me I should be working.  I also felt pangs of embarrassment when someone would ask what I do for work and I said, I'm a homemaker.  The peoples eyes would glaze over and they would seem to not know what else to say to me.  But for all of it I wouldn't have changed those at home years for all the money and success the world had to offer.  I loved staying home with my children.  I taught them to read,count, and other academic things.  But I also gave them a sense of security in a world that seems ever more insecure.  Now that I'm a working mom.  I find the balance hard some days.  But I enjoy working.  I enjoy visiting with people where I work.  I enjoy getting a paycheck, and just having time where I do my own thing.  I have an identity outside of my children.  I enjoy that.  Plus the kids are gone more than at home so it keeps me from being lonely.  I do have to say though, lets as mothers give each other a break.  If you are a working mom then that is your choice and I'm happy for you.  It's hard to be a working mom.  You miss your children, and you still have house work to do.  Unless you are lucky enough to have a cleaning service.  You are still a mom though and being a mom is tough.  If your a stay at home mom.  Enjoy every moment with your children.  And don't worry about what others think.  You chose this for your children and someday they will be thankful for that.  It's tough to stay at home with your children all day.  It's harder than any job out there.  Hopefully someday the rest of the world will see that.  Anyways whether your a working mom or a SAHM.  Feel happy in the choice you have made and be kind to others who have made a different choice.  We all have to do what is right for ourselves.

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