Thursday, October 6, 2011


I remember one day in September walking from the UVM main campus to the horse farm and having snow flurries, but I don't ever remember having snow that accumulated in October in either Vermont or New Jersey.  But Here is a photo from the balcony at the apartments in Sandy Utah.  Snow accumulating on the ground.  It is October 6th and we have snow.  Granted it will be gone before the kids come home as it has turned back to rain.  I can't wait for the clouds to move so I can see the snow on the mountains!
My Kids will be jealous that they have missed this grand event.  They can't wait to play in Utah snow.  That is one thing they talk about constantly.  I have to say I'm excited too.  I hope we get to some good sledding hills this winter.  I guess our motto might be "if life gives you snow go sledding!"  Perhaps we'll even try skiing out.

Today in the laundry room I met a woman from Oregon.  Her husband has been living here for a year and she is back and forth between both states.  They too have been displaced by the economy.  They have been trying to sell their house for a year now.  They are to the point where they are willing to walk away with nothing.  They are in their 50's and having to start over with two children in college.  I feel blessed that we are here, and able to afford rent, and the mortgage.  People are looking at the house and there seems to be someone who may be interested.  Keep praying for us.  One thing I've learned these past few months is to give my life to God.  I have placed my hand in his and let him lead.  I no longer worry where he takes me I just follow.  I have less stress that way, I feel calm, I feel blessed.  I ask for his guidance and I do what he wants.  I told my husband I felt I had had the harder trial.  I'm not sure he has seen it that way.  I don't think he comprehends the work I did alone in New Jersey.  I once told a neighbor, I'm no longer stressed.  I realized that you could only get so stressed and then there was no more stress that you could take.  I think the Lord did this to make me bend to his will.   And in bending to his will he has made me strong, and made me see how silly some of the things of the world are.  I am happy to have a warm place to live, food, clothing, a job for me and my husband, cars that run, healthy children and my computer.  I've begun what I'm here for in my mind.  I'm here to finish my family history research and to work in the Lords temple.  That is my purpose and I look forward to many days of this work ahead.  Each day as I get on my computer I find 10 to 20 more family names.  If this is my work, I better get to it. Next time I write I'll let you in on some good books I'm reading.  Good luck to you and have a wonderful day:)

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