Saturday, October 22, 2011

Draper Park: A new Utah Adventure.

The first thing that caught my eye at Draper park was this giant tree in the middle of a field.  I love trees.  When and if I ever have another house I'm going to have a "Tree" room where I have all kinds of tree art.  I think I love trees because I love family history and you are always working on a family tree.  I remember when my kids were young we watched a Winnie the pooh movie where tigger looks for his family tree.  He goes off climbing all kinds of trees hoping to find all his relatives.  Only to find that all his friends were his family.  I could go get a blanket and a book and just sit under this beautiful tree and read all day. 
Draper park is more like the park that we visited when in New Jersey.  It has pavement trails that you can walk on, and it has a bunch of play grounds for the children to explore.  A playground for every age seems to be there.  Some for the little children with a cool train play ground.  And then one for adults where you can work on strength training if you choose to. 
We didn't take a long walk so I can't tell you how large the park is.  The kids wanted to check out the big tree and the play grounds.
This is the area that I think adults would like.  Or at least my husband would like to try out all this exercise equipment.  Each one has you work against your own body weight.  My kids did not have much luck with working with them.
One thing about where I live in Utah, you are never very far from a beautiful mountain scene. It's hard to tell from this photo but the leaves are changing.  The mountain is more red than green. there are also patches of yellow and orange.  And yes that white at the top is snow.  I'm determined to love the snow this year just so my dad can't  have the last laugh with our move out here.  One day the mountains had clouds surrounding their tops and it was just beautiful.  Unfortunately I did not have a camera.  Well off to do laundry.  I have lots of ideas to share later though.  Thanks for reading.

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