Monday, September 2, 2019

Garden Walk Week 22. Summer is coming to an end.

I don't know about you but I'm sad to see summer coming to and end.
We still have a few weeks before it's officially fall, as
the last day of summer is September 23, but to me the 
kids heading back to school equals the end of summer.

The mornings are already cooler and I love that.
I just wish this summer could have lasted longer.
I do look forward to cooking fall food, and 
having hot chocolate with breakfast.

The garden is still full of flowers.  The Humming birds and bees are
still busy. I enjoy the quiet of the garden.

I've been playing around on pinterest, looking for inspiring quotes and 
nature quotes.  I have this need to create and I like to create 
photo books.  
Here is a quote I found this week. 
" Look deep into nature, you will understand everything better. " Einstein.

When I was young I really didn't like math.  Now at my work I do 
math everyday.  I was talking with one of the young kids I work with about 
the things they no longer teach in school.  They no longer teach how to write in cursive,
they no longer teach how to tell time on an analog clock.  I was saying

It would be nice to go back and say to past teachers " listen you don't need to 
teach me this.  In the future we won't use these things everything will be 
digital.   But please teach me math better.  Help me to understand math. Help me to 
love math."
I think Heavenly Father was a mathematician.  Everything some how can 
be put into a math problem or be studied in a math situation.  Well
maybe not everything, but lots of things.

I actually enjoy the math I understand now.  My daughter loves math.
She says it relaxes her. 

I'm going to do some blog posts eventually where I just focus on 
one flower from bud to bloom.  

Look how the water droplets just sit on this flower. 

I also have an instagram page now.  Some of my photos have
30 likes.  I know that isn't alot but to me, well its impressive to me.
This is just a beautiful summer garden shot.

The roses are blooming again.  

I don't know what this flower is but it's cool looking.
This winter maybe I will get to looking up what all these flowers are.
Last winter was hard it was preparing for loss.  
Losing my cat was so hard, caring for her those last months was so hard and 
heart breaking.

Look I got this great shot of a humming bird.  I love 
watching the humming birds in the garden.

These are Red Hot Pokers. I like the orange color. 
Our friend who died of cancer this past spring, 
his favorite color was orange.
I don't know if I am noticing more orange flowers because 
I know that now.  I'm thinking of doing a 
book with just orange flowers and quotes.

Someone took the roses and put them in the pond.
It actually looks pretty.

This year all through the garden you can learn about
different plants and how they changed the world.
This is wheat. 

I like this view of the mountains with the flowers.

This little flower smells like chocolate.  I wonder if 
it tastes like chocolate to the bee?
Do bees even have a sense of taste?

Here is another quote " Your career is what you're paid for,
Your calling is what you're made for. "  Steve Harvey.

OK so what does that mean?  What is my calling in life?
Could someone please tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?

I think I know.  I think my true calling was to be a Mother.
It is the one thing in my life I am most proud of being.
That and a good wife. 

Of all the things I have done I have been a really good mother.
I continue to be a good mother and help my young adult children 
navigate this ever changing, ever busy world.

What about you? Do you feel you have a calling in this life?
Is it related to your work?
Is it some passion that you do outside of work?
How did you figure it out?
Does it give you great joy?

I have always loved photography. 
I don't think I am the best photographer.
But I just love going out and photographing things.

I'm thankful for digital cameras because if it wasn't for 
the digital camera I don't think I could afford my hobby.

This flower smells like buttered popcorn.  Maybe that is why the 
grasshopper likes it so much.  
Well I hope you enjoyed my photos.  I enjoyed my day at the garden.

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