Monday, September 19, 2011

Driving over the mountain another Utah adventure.

Some of our friends live in Highland Utah.  To get from where we live to where they live you have two driving choices.  You can drive along the highway which is flat and straight.  Or you can drive over the mountain.  I like driving over the mountain.  Despite the fact that when I'm the passenger I get a little car sick. 
When you go up over the mountain there are so many cool things to see.  I tell my husband though that I would not want to live on the mountain.  Our friend told us there are about 1000 houses up on the mountain.  They had planned to build 8000.  But then the housing bubble burst.  I just would not want to have to drive in the snowy weather up there.  I can imagine that it might be a bit colder too!
This is a view of the salt lake valley.  It's not the greatest photo as I'm in the car and my husband is speeding along.  We were running late so I didn't make him stop.  So all the photo's are from the passenger window.  I should have sat in the back where my daughter sits she had much better views.

Here we are heading down the mountain towards Highland.  It's amazing how you are just surrounded by mountains out here. One thing I'm noticing is that people take their football very seriously out here.  Everyone was wearing red on Saturday for the big football game.  And Everyone was wearing Red again on Sunday.  I take it the "U"  won the game Saturday night.  Those who were fans of  the "Y"  were hiding out and wishing they had a little more red in their closet.  Being totally unaware of the school colors I wore all blue.  Well it's my favorite color.  I hope no one thought I was a "Y" fan.  I'm not a football fan at all!
One other thing I learned.  There are parts of the mountain that look red now.  I was wondering what that was.  My husbands friend told us that it was the shrubs on the mountain changing color.  I also thought that watering your yard would cost a fortune, but I've found out that it only cost about $17.00 a month.  They collect the water that runs off the mountains and then pipe it through the neighborhoods and allow you to tap your sprinkler system in and charge you $17.00 a month unlimited use.  Or at least that's how much our friends pay.
Well off to learn more about Utah.  Hope you have enjoyed.  I start work tonight and I'm a bit nervous. I'll be glad to have my first day over with!

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