Friday, March 25, 2011

Time to Buy Seeds!

Spring is around the corner and I'm beginning to collect the seeds for the flowers I've wanted to try growing. I really want to try to grow lavender after reading so many books about it last year. Then some mammoth Sunflowers along the fence. Zinnia's for my neighbor. And Morning glories on the front deck. I've been reading up on the best time to water, the best plants for sun. I'm ready! I just need the weather to cooperate.

This week has been a very up and down week for my family.

We have been struggling with just making enough

to cover the basics in life. We've had a life line set out to us and are grateful, but we also know that more needs to be looked at. I have to say I feel very much like a person washed out to sea. It's funny that at this time of the year I can feel so beat up with life. It reminds me of my job last year. Day by day more and more people found they were losing their jobs. It was like a storm hit the building and we were never sure who was going to survive. I was the first taken out, and yet due to how school systems work I was still there until the end. Now I still feel like I'm in the storm.

The ocean is not calm and each day I'm being tossed about. So how do you make a big decision? A life changing decision? You pray. You pray all day long. Then when you make a choice wait to feel what the spirit says. Well I knew what the choice was supposed to be, but I tried to make the other choice. So did my husband. And for a day we both felt miserable. We wanted to make the choice that would make our parents happy, but the weight of the decisions was so heavy. Then when I said change the decision, go, try. The weight came off, and I've been surrounded by this peace that at some points is almost as hard to bear. It's a wonderful

feeling but it is a bit overwhelming too. So in the midst of a year and a half of change we are not getting the moment of down time I'd hoped for. We are actually moving into more change. If you have been reading along, you know the decision that was being contemplated, and so you know where my family is most likely headed. I feel connected to the family line I've been working on. They were movers. They moved from Canada, to Vermont, to New Hampshire, and then all the way to Iowa. I've moved from Massachusetts, to Vermont, to New Jersey and now possibly I will move all the way to Utah. God only knows why

my family must move. But it looks more and more like we will move than we won't.

I will continue to plan my garden, and enjoy what bits of time I have left. And if we move, I won't look back, I won't regret it. I'll find a way to be happy no matter where I am. I'll find my moments of Joy.

On a really good note, I was nominated employee of the month for my job!

Post will be very irregular from now on. I have only one day a week off. So When I can I'll keep you up to date.
Here's a song played alot at where I work : Maybe. Fits with my life at the moment. Can't say I like the name of the band or any thing else but the song. My husband liked all the old cars.

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