Thursday, May 20, 2010

Animals on the Subway

I found a book in the library yesterday and had to read and write about it. It connects to "You've Got Mail" I love finding these connections. Have any of you watched a movie that you just totally connected with? Any way the book is called "SUBWAY SPARROW" It is written by Leyla Torres. It is a very beautifully illustrated story of a sparrow who gets on a subway train and the people who help to capture and release it safely outside.
After reading the story to your children you might talk about seeing animals in places where they don't belong. You might talk about what it would be like to ride on a Subway, what would the dangers be for the bird. I'll have to search and see if there are any other Subway animal books out there. You might even talk about favorite birds and have some bird coloring pages.
If you have gone to New York and ridden on the subway you might tell them about your memories. I remember that I couldn't get my pass card to scan, and thought everyone was going to leave me behind at the turn stiles. I'm just not a city girl.
In "You've Got Mail" Kathleen Kelley see's a butterfly on the Subway. Here is the quote:" Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today, I saw one. It got on at 42nd, and off at 59th, where, I assume it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake - as almost all hats are.”
Have you read any books lately that you could connect to your life or to a movie? I'm Reading Dewey the Library Cat. It's really very enjoyable to read. Of course it's about libraries and Cats my two favorite things.

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