Friday, October 23, 2020

The Last Garden walk of the season. October 14,2020


I remember in spring looking forward to the Tulip Festival,
and then Covid came and the Tulip Festival did 
not happen.

Now it's the last week of the gardens being open.
They have lots of scarecrows about and very few flowers.

I didn't walk the gardens every week.  I did lots of 
other things, but I did get there for the last week.
I think I may try to grow these next year along our back fence.
They have them in a small rectangle shaped pot at the bottom
of this. 

So there is a video of a man being chased by a mountain lion.
The only feline I have seen out and about is this little back kitten.

I'm not sure if it is lost or wild.

I always see these berries and think they are the perfect
fall color.

I love the way the grass looks.
I recently purchased some new lens
for my cell phone camera so 
I can't wait to try them out next year.

My husband and I have done a lot of fall nature walks
and I have to say my favorite thing to do is crunch in the
fallen leaves.

I was trying to get the fall leaves in the background of this structure.

This is a English Daisy.  They have removed most of the plants
and planted the tulips for next spring and then put pansies and daisy over them.

I have planted tulips and crocuses in my own garden.
If they actually bloom I will be amazed.

I feel like the summer went way too fast.

While I am glad for cooler weather, I really don't look forward to snow.

This has been such a strange year.  When the pandemic started
we started doing our temperature taking daily at work.

In the beginning I remember taking my temperature at home every morning
before going to work.  I don't do that any more.   I kept thinking any day
I would get this awful virus.
Now instead I just say thank you to my Heavenly Father 
each day that I am not sick.

I took photos of the scare crows I like the best.  I 
like the mini Yoda with this one.

This life size dragon was really cool.  I wonder
if the person made it or if they ordered it from somewhere.

I scary tree. 

I think I like burgers better than chicken.  But this
was a cute display.

Is there room on the broom?  I remember
reading this story to my children.

A Scooby Doo Halloween. 

Gnomes seemed to be around all year long so having a
scarecrow gnome seemed to be just perfect to me.

I like to get pumpkin photos.

Hope you are enjoying fall. 

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