Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Walk at the gardens with Mr. James. October 2020


I don't like to do Selfie photos, that is why we have
our Shadow kissing photos.  Usually with something interesting
beyond the shadow.

 There was a man who was chased by a mountain
lion here in Utah recently, the only feline we have seen
on our walks is this black cat.  It did not want to make friends with us.

I can't believe how fast summer flew by. 
There were still some pretty flowers blooming to look at.

I'm enjoying fall, but I do not 
look forward to winter.  I don't look forward to being 
stuck in the house.  I love going on walks and with the virus 
I don't want to go to indoor events and be around a bunch of people.

One thing that I have started to do more of is family 
history research.  My big project is scanning all of my
papers onto a flash drive and then putting them onto
the website with my family tree.

This way I can get rid of most of the papers,
which will help me organize and declutter my house,
and I also can share all this information I have been collecting
for 24 years.

I have actually done really well this year with the goals I have
set.  I have been able to get my house more organized,
I have become so much more physically fit.
I have grown spiritually, and I have had lots of
fun dates with my husband.

While I know everyone is sick of 2020 and
the Corona virus, I have to say I have felt very blessed so far.

Everyone in my family has kept working,
we have stayed healthy, we have enjoyed each others company.

I have actually done more exploring of Utah's hiking trails because 
I didn't want to be in crowded areas.

We have seen more of the trails near our home,
and enjoyed time by the lake.
I've gotten better at meal planning because we don't
eat out as often, and I have been getting
emergency food supplies and 72 hour kits for my family.

Life has been different, but I have still had
so much to be thankful for.

I love my time walking with my husband. We have so much fun.

At my work I am in charge of the balloons.
We sell a lot of balloons. 
We have been told to order lots of New Year balloons because
so many people are done with the year 2020, that there
will probably be lots of parties.

Wouldn't it be nice if at midnight on New Years Eve
this pandemic would be over.
The problem is it won't be.

How do you stay resilient in times of trouble?
What things are you doing so that you can keep
positive when there is so much negative around?

I try to get all my errands done before my days off, so
that on my days off I can go out in nature, or stay home
and not have to wear a face mask.

I also listen to more spiritual music, and try to
listen to a gospel related talk everyday.

I also exercise 5 days a week.
I've started to do 30 day challenges with my 
exercise too. I feel so much better physically.

I also have changed my diet and eat a lot less sugar.

I'm constantly looking for ways to make my life feel
more peaceful. 

Going out and playing photographer is another one
of my favorite things to do.

I love all the fall colors.
Well I hope you are safe and healthy.

Hope you enjoyed the photos.

Do you have a favorite fall flower?
I think mine would be Mums.
Take Care.

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