Sunday, October 25, 2020

I used to be horse crazy. My first horseback ride in 24 years. October 2020


Those of you who knew me when I was young know that I was
horse crazy.  I don't know if there was any moment in my young childhood
that I wasn't day dreaming about horses. 

I was very disappointed at some point in my childhood
when I realized that I would not grow up and turn into a horse.
That really was my grand desire.  Once realizing this
was not to be I then became determined to have a horse of my own.

If you can't become one and run around wild, then 
the next best thing would be to have a horse and ride around on it.
Maybe even racing around through a field.
I was lucky to work on a Morgan horse farm in high school.

I enjoyed riding and learning about horses.
There are days when I wish I could go back and just
enjoy those moments again.  I was young and fearless and
so enjoyed the time I spent with horses.

I think if I could tell my young self anything it
would be learn more about training, and caring for horses.

I would also tell myself to relax and enjoy the moment,
don't worry about horse shows and competing, just enjoy
being with horses.

Many people who know me now I'm sure have no clue I 
was a horse crazy girl.  I don't think
there is much around my house that would point to this passion I had.

I don't think most people know that I have a degree in Animal Science.
It's probably why on my days off I go off bird watching and
go on nature walks.  I love science. 
I love animals and I still love learning about them.

I have spent the last 24 years raising my little family.
From time to time I have missed riding horses.
I have so enjoyed being a mother that I'm not sad
that the horse part of my life disappeared. 
I'm glad for all the different twist and turns my life has made.

I sometimes look at my children who are worrying over career paths
and college class decisions and I think "don't worry you have time."
Life is a journey that takes you to so many interesting places if you let it.
I'm glad for those horse years, and all the years that came after.

Down the road from where I live our friend keeps horses.
He is a "horse whisperer." 
We will see him out working with his horses and we will wander down.
I watch him training horses and I am amazed by his skills.
My husband fixed his horse trailer and I asked for a horseback riding lesson.
So this is me 24 years later riding a horse and feeling very much like I know nothing.
It was wonderful and I look forward to spring and possibly another ride.
I learned one thing, I'm no longer horse crazy. 
That is a past love, a dream already realized. 
I'm content to watch and every now and again take a walk around the ring.
I think if I could I would go to the fair and do the pony rides, but I'm sure they
would all laugh and say "you are too old!" 
I am hoping when I cross to the other side that I will get to be with the horses I knew as
a young woman.  Deep down I also hope you can transform into an animal. It would be so 
amazing to run like a wild horse.  I guess some desires never quiet leave you.
Hope you are all well.
Do you have something you did when you were young that you loved doing
but no longer do?

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