Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fall Bird Watching. October 13,2020


We never know when we head out to do bird watching what we might see.
The first thing I can say about our day was that we almost died.
At least I felt like we could have been killed.  As we travelled along the
highway a truck in front of us had 6 pieces of metal come flying off it and straight at us.
It was like being in an action movie, and I can say as I grabbed the
"OH SHIT HANDLE"  That in my brain I was thinking this could be
very painful.  Big pieces of metal flew under our car, 
they flew over our car.  Thank God for the strength of the
windshield, and my husbands ability to keep the car going forward despite
the metal flying at us.
The car is a bit dented and scraped but we are alive.

It was Blue Heron day at the bird refuge. We sat and watched
this one catch a meal. I'm not sure what it is that it is eating.

I wish the grass was not right by it's face. 

These birds are a bit prehistoric looking.

There were about 4 or 5 of them along the road we were driving on.

I call this "The Duck Family Photo" I am not
sure what types of ducks these are, but
they gathered around each other to make a perfect photo for me.
I almost think they escaped from a local farm.

Isn't this bird just beautiful. I was so happy 
to get such nice photos.

Most of the birds we saw were actually around the
road, and not on the nature walk path.

I want to walk this trail this winter, I've heard
Bald Eagles come in the winter.

There were actually a lot of fish in the water.

They have placed this big wooden benches all along
the path, and there are cool bird images burned into them.

There were a few interesting plants 
to photograph.

What will winter be like Mr. Wooly Bear?
These little caterpillars move fast.

It's so nice to just be outside. I've ordered
some new binoculars that you are supposed to 
be able to take photos with.  I'm hoping it will enhance my
bird photography.

Well hope you enjoyed the photos. 
I certainly enjoyed my bird watching afternoon.

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