Sunday, June 23, 2019

Dynamite The Rescued Shelter Cat. Dynamites first month in her forever home.

My name is Dynamite and I am a rescued shelter cat.  I have been with my adopted family now for one month.  My new human mom Kimber is going to help me tell my story and together we hope to share with you facts about cats and our favorite cat books.
I was adopted at PetSmart.  Here is a photo that my new mom took of
me at the PetSmart store.  I'm a big cat and had to sit in this little spot
all day long. 

I at least had a cat tree to sit on.  But I didn't like
being on display all the time with no place to relax.
When I got to my new home it was a bit overwhelming.  I ran and hid under a 
couch in the basement of my new home.  Lucky for me my new family is not new 
to adopting a cat.  Their first cat did the same thing.  Well she hid under the bed in the upstairs of 
their old house.  Then when no one was looking she would come out and meow and
 as soon as someone came back she hid again.  My new family likes to tell me about their other cat.  
It took me a few days to get used to my new surrounding and family.
I didn't eat much the first week that I lived with my new family, I had them fooled.
I now really like to eat.  One thing that I like to do is sit on my peoples shoulders.
They think this is fun, except for when they leave for work.  Then I'm not allowed, as
I get them covered with cat hair.
My new mom likes to pretend she is a photographer.
I am now one of her favorite subjects to practice her photography on.
I got a hold of her cell phone and tried to take some photos of myself.  
My first cat selfie what do you think? 
I had to go to the Vets and I had a pretty good check up. The only problem they could
see was that I have some dental issues.  Which unfortunately means going back
to the vet.  I am settling into my new home and my new family is getting used to me.
I am thankful to have a new home to live in.  
Here are some facts that we learned today about shelter cats:
(we play freekibble to help feed shelter animals.)
June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month.
About 3 Million cats enter shelters each year.  That's a lot of homeless kitties!
Please if you are considering getting a cat, check out your 
local shelter, or contact your local rescue group.  There are
so many cats that need a good home.
If you can not adopt a cat there are other ways to help.
Please donate to your local rescue group or shelter. 
You can also play freekibble.  We play every day and help
give kibble and litter to shelter cats.
Our first book we want to tell you about is a young children's book series,
"Mr. Putter and Tabby."
The first book in the series is "Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea." 
This book is about Mr. Putter finding a new pet at the shelter. 
Kimber and I like this book because it shows someone adopting an older
shelter cat instead of kittens.  Not that it is bad to adopt kittens, but older cats in shelters
don't always get adopted as fast as kittens do.  We like all the adventures that
Mr. Putter and Tabby get into.  So if you have a young child who likes cats 
this is a good first reading book.  
Happy reading and please help shelter cats.
Dynamite and Kimber

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