Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mom of a Missionary. Emails from Mexico. December 10, 2018


And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." Ether 12:6

Hello, Family and Friends! It's me again, Elder Bowlby! Today I'm accompanied by guest star "Cat" (Yes, that's the cat's name. It's named Cat.)
There's a member family here who has a really friendly and talkative cat named cat. Man, I love cats! CATS
!So, I bought a tiny-little memory card to take some pictures for you of my area. This week brought some
 new surprises for me!

On the left is the chapel fence... and on the right... Boxcars!! The trains pass by every day in my area. Boxcars, gondolas, hopper-cars, and tank cars are frequently pushed arround by the Ferromex diesel-locomotives. This week I got to see one really close as we were returning home from a district meeting. We were waiting at a level-crossing as they were doing some "shunting" work. There's a chemical plant here and also plastic factories that need a lot of resources, so that's why there are the trains. I'm really happy that the cool trains are here in my area hahaha.

I'll send you a few photos in the attachments about my area and the COOL TRAINS!!!

So, this is my companion Elder Ramos! He's from El Salvador. He's full of energy, likes to work, and is always positive! Once, an Elder in my district lost the USB of Elder Ramos, and lost all of his music files... and he wasn't even mad! He thought it was really funny, actually.

We work really well together. Sometimes I think that an old dinosaur like me can't learn new tricks but woah okay I was wrong, in fact, I'm constantly learning. We're finding and teaching some really cool families, and I have faith that out of all of the people here in Miramar, at least 10 are ready! More than 10 even! The world is filling with knowledge of the Gospel!

So, why the scripture about faith? Hey, faith is more than just a passive belief. Faith is getting out there and learning! Doing something about it! Put your heart into believing that Christ loves you, then showing that love to EVERYBODY! 

I'm doing well. We've moved houses, and that reminded me a lot of LAST year when I moved houses with Elder Estrada. This year was much easier, and a lot less cold.

So, here's me! Everything is going to be okay. I hope you're all doing well, staying strong, and living the good life! I love you all so much!

-Elder Bowlby

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