Sunday, December 16, 2018

Mom of a Missionary. Emails from Mexico, November 26, 2018.

Miramar... means Look at the Sea!

Hello Family and Friends! Its me, Elder Bowl...BOT!! 

Beep Boop! Transfers happened, but before I give you details about where I am, how about we talk about what happened last week.
So, remember that I said we were going to have a baptism?
Oops. We didn't have the baptism, but rather, they're preparing for another day in December. We can't baptize if they're not fully prepared, you know. I'm sure the addicional time will help them.

I focused really hard this week in enjoying the time I had with my companion before we split for the transfers, so we worked hard and had a lot of fun. My area in Mante is looking much better than when I arrived. We have a lot of people that we are teaching, so Mante is gonna be really happy.

I was able to say goodbye to all of the members and surprisingly everything I have was able to fit into my suitcases, including a few oddities I've gathered up on the mission... namely the boxing gloves, an unused 2018 calendar, all of my agendas, a recorder (it's a flute), various journals... and yours truly (The cardboard Bowlbotbox (bowlbox?)(Botbox?))

I think I'm in my last area. I probably won't be going to another area before I finish the mission. Probably.

I'm in Tampico again. I've been transferred to Miramar! It's here, in Altamira/Tampico. And they say that in my area, you can see the BEACH! (Note: We can see the beach. Not go to the beach.) There are trains that pass by close to the house and the ocean is nearby. I feel like I'm back in New Jersey, more or less. This is going to be a fun transfer. I'm also in a leadership position now, so I have MORE responsabilities. I have to actually call people. Wow!

So, here I am! Stay tuned for my adventures in Miramar, Altamira.

Here's a scripture that I really liked recently:
Doctrine and Covenants 98: 11,12,14

11 And I give unto you a commandment, that ye shall forsake all evil and cleave unto all good, that ye shall live by every word which proceedeth forth out of the mouth of God.

12 For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith.

14 Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy.

Ever feel like the Lord is trying us? The Lord gives us trials so we can progress, depending on our faithfulness in him. We need to work hard at becoming more converted to him, because he is our perfect example. He needs to prove us, and we need to live by every word which proceeds from him. This is a lifetime struggle. You can do it! We can do it!

I love you, Miss you, and will see you later! Have an excellent week!

-Elder Bowlby

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