Monday, June 30, 2014

My Ultraviolet Peri-Mental-Pause Mid-Life Catastrophe!

While visiting this past April my mother asked me what I thought about the fact that she and my Dad were aging....... I told her that this has been something on my mind for the whole year, and that I've been going through a mid-life crises.  I call it "My Ultraviolet Peri-Mental-Pause Mid-Life Catastrophe!" 
When I was young I loved a book called "The Ultraviolet Catastrophe". It was about a young girl and her adventure with her great uncle.  They got into a lot of trouble on a walk they took. And when I turned 41 and my body seemed to change over night I felt "Ultraviolet Catastrophe" was the perfect wording for it. 

Many women suffer from Perimenopause.... I like to call it Peri-Mental-Pause.... I guess because there have been times when my hormones have been so out of balance that I was thinking I'd gone insane.
Of course all these things happen about Mid-life....42 seems mid life to me, I don't know that I want to live much past 80 years old.  
And so the past two years have been an interesting time for me to reflect on life.... My daughter who has become a young women, my aging and slowing down body, and my parents and in-laws who as my mother put it are getting old....  I'm smack in the middle of all of them....  children growing faster and faster into an adults who will want to leave and have a life of their own, and parents who are preparing to leave this earth life and move on to the eternities.... And there are days when I say, I'm going to be left behind, on either side.....  I love watching my children grow, but miss all those tender young childhood moments.... I don't like watching my parents and in-laws age the fact that they will be unreachable someday scares me.....
Add into that mix a body that is changing and hormones that are no longer regular and you have an Ultraviolet catastrophe!  The problem I have found is that instead of sharing with others what is happening to them, women tend to just be quiet about it.  I think if we all shared these changes with each other we would be less likely to think we are going insane.
I remember as a young girl talking with friends about all the changes that were going on with our bodies, we were all excited for the next step in our lives.... yet when that process is in reverse, we tend to keep quiet.  So I'm going to try to share with other's through blog post some of the crazy perimenopause things that have happened to me.  Perhaps someone will feel the need to comment and say "Hey that happened to me, I feel the same way."  
I'm hoping it will help me through my mid-life castasrophe!

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