Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday again?? Some things I'm thankful for this week....

Friday seems to come quicker every week.  I had a better week of writing down what I am grateful for in my gratitude book.
1. I'm grateful for General Conference.  I actually felt this year that I'm more on track and enjoyed the talks.I look forward to studying them and growing in my faith.
2. I'm thankful that I have enough money to buy groceries.  The house is getting filled with food and it's nice to know we will have good meals all this week.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
3.  I'm grateful for this gumball machine that my husband got from his work.  It actually has more gumballs in it now.  It was a fun treat for the kids.
4. I'm grateful for the rain we have been getting.  It is nice to have a rainy day now and then.
5. I'm grateful for the beautiful fall colors.  It is just so nice to take in all the beauty around me.
6. I'm grateful for libraries and free books to read.
7. I'm grateful for good children who are doing so well in school.
8.I'm grateful for my work discounts, it save me lots of money.
9.I'm am grateful to be a woman.  I do not look to be like men.  I love who I am and the roles that God has given to me.
10. I'm grateful for nice customers.  Those who are kind, and say thank you.  As in my job there are many who are angry and yell at me for things I have no control over.  I think I should have gotten a degree in psychology.  As I listen to many people and their problems every day.

Related Sites:
Gratitude a path to happiness
How to start a Gratitude pattern that can change your life
How to let and attitude of Gratitude change your life

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