Have January be a "buy nothing month." (You only buy necessities in January.) That is why yesterday I had to get up early and beat the crowds at Kohl's and get my few last of the year purchases. Of course I had some Kohl's cash that I needed to spend. I got a $49.00 Crock -Pot for $9.00. What a deal. If I had just stopped at that life would have been good. But I had my daughter with me and we bought the frog, and some shirts. Oh well, had to get that last moment
spending out of me. Now I'm prepared to go Credit card free. (Or so I think)

spending out of me. Now I'm prepared to go Credit card free. (Or so I think)
So on day one of living without credit cards, I've looked up "Who invented Credit Cards?" It is very interesting to know that Credit cards or the ability to buy on credit has been around a long time. They haven't always been in the shape of a card, and they haven't always been plastic.
The use of credit cards in America began in the 1920's, but references to credit cards have been made as far back as 1890 in Europe. I think we might find it even father back we will see.

What is interesting about credit is that it is a method of selling goods or services without the buyer having cash on hand. And guess what? That gets some people in a whole lot of trouble. So my goal is to only buy if I have the cash on hand. What I think is most important is that you need to think about each purchase and be prepared by knowing how much you have to spend and what you are spending on. I'm hoping I have the will power to do this. As I progress forward in this I will be looking for other bloggers who are doing the same thing for tips. When I find them I'll give you the links.

Garden tip: The best predators of slugs in your garden are frogs and toads. Unfortunately you need a pond in your garden to get these little animals to live around your garden. I don't think my husband will be building me a pond too soon.
Moments of Joy: Not working until Midnight any more. It's so nice to get home before 11pm. Spending a lazy morning with my kids. Reading a good magazine. Walking around my garden and seeing some green and growing plants. I can't wait for spring.
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