It's been about one year since the day I walked into school and found out my job was being cut from the school. Here is a photo of my old desk. I can say that I loved that job. But you know I love the job I have now. I'm learning new things, I'm meeting lots of people, and although I'm not making as much I do enjoy it. I don't believe I will stay there forever, but for the next year or so I'll be very happy to be a cashier. There are similarities to the job's. I'm not the boss, I pick up after people all the time, I work with a computer system. Sometimes the kids would be cranky, and sometimes I get cranky customers.
even though I loved the library job, I always knew it was just a temporary stop in my life. It fit good with my children's schedules and got me out of the house. Now I can say the same of my new job, it fits well with my needs, and gets me out of the house. The computer skills, and customer service skills will all lead eventually to a better job for me. I hope to look into doing some type of studying. I'd like to learn Spanish, and I am always looking to improve my computer skills. Customer service comes naturally to me, I love meeting people and talking to them. So we will see.
The job offer for my husband wasn't what we want. I think despite his complaining and making us seem destitute (perhaps I do this sometimes too.) He still feels he is in the right place, he is learning all the new technology which he likes. So we live on the edge for awhile longer. It will eventually lead to a sunny day. I have that hope.
I've gone 24 days without using credit cards. I hope to make it all of February. I hope next year at this time I will be a happy not in debt person. I can't believe that in February I'll have been blogging for a whole year. I'm not sure I'm much of a success at this as it seems I have very few interested in my writing. Oh well.
Do you know how long Noah was on the ark? If you do please let me know. I think it was over a year. I know God did tell Noah it would rain for 40 days and nights, but I wonder if he said " Noah you will be on the ark for over a year, if Noah would have been as willing to build the ark. I can't imagine it. But I also think that we all know we will have trials. I think many of us could say, I can do 40 days and nights. But I'm not sure about a year or two. I still wonder how long, but I also just live for the day.
One of my goals this year is purging the house. I'm trying to just get everything we don't use out.
Moment of Joy:) Sitting under a comfy blanket watching the snow fall.
Christian Song: I can only imagine.
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