Well all the credit cards are paid off. My next move is to pay off my sons orthodontist bill, and then pay down as much as possible on the credit line this year.
One thing I noticed is that with credit cards, any interest you pay is just lost. At least with the equity line I can deduct the interest on my taxes.

I did find in an article that the use of credit has been around since old testament times. In biblical times, interest was called usury, which in today's language suggest exorbitant interest rates.
A few more quotes about staying out of debt:
" We should not heed to current cries...[that] tempt us to compete for ownership in the things of this world... Often these items are purchased with borrowed money, without giving any thought to providing for our future needs.." Elder L. Tom Perry.
" Independence means... being free of personal debt and of the interest and carrying charges required by debt the world over." President James E. Faust.
Isn't my kitty cat pretty. Laying in the sun all nice and warm.
Uplifting song: El Shaddi by Amy Grant
Garden Quote: Of the strawberry: Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did. Dr. William Butler (c. 1536-1617)
Random act of kindness: The center of human nature is rooted in ten thousand ordinary acts of kindness that define our day. Stephen Jay Gould.
Moment of Joy: Having the day off. Having salty McDonald's french fries. Listening to uplifting music. Reading scriptures in my car while it warms up.
So on one last note, pray for my husband as change is coming again to his world. He was just getting used to working at the Kia dealership, and is now being moved back up to the Toyota dealership. He will actually be working on both types of cars, going between both dealerships. He asked to be made salary during the transition. I hope that will happen. I told him we are still dancing in the minefield, still rowing in the storm. I just hope we get out for awhile soon. I just take it one day at a time. I know the Lord has some grand plan for us, I will trust him.
Do you have a good keep out of debt tip? Or any moment of Joy to share?
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