I was reading about not using credit cards and found it very interesting that when you go out and buy with credit cards you think less. The delay of having to pay, and the swiping of the card allow you to detach yourself from the purchase. I've actually noticed this month how I'm looking more at how much costs as I shop. I know I only have so much money and so I'm very careful about each purchase. I've also found

Here is my song of the day : This is the Stuff.. By Francesca Battistelli.
I heard this the other morning and liked it as I was thinking about something that was bothering me. I heard the song and remembered I should

I'm not as stressed out, and I just take life one day at a time. We have made it through another week. My husband has a job offer, but I think he will stay where he is. This new job doesn't seem to have much advancement to offer. It is just short term with a possibility of something more. It just seems a little sketchy to me.

Moments of Joy:) Spending time visiting with a family friend, Chatting on the phone with my mom. Taking a nap on a snowy day. Having time to read a whole book. The book was "The Snow Bride." Makes our snow storm seem small compared to living in Alaska. It was a fun, no brain book.
Thankful For:) Good health, warm home, ability to drive home in a blizzard. Healthy, Happy Children.

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