This winter has brought it's share of storms. We've had quiet a few snow storms and an ice storm so far. I had always thought I moved away from constant snow when I left Vermont, but this year I feel it has come to haunt me. As I've thought about the storms, I've thought that the past year was a year of storms for my family. Both my husband and I lost our jobs, and had to find new ones. The jobs we have found pay much less, and it has been a struggle. But I have to say, that over the past few years I have been preparing for this storm. I
originally got my Library job so that I could start putting money away for my kids to go to college. Then as the economy started to go bad, and my husbands job became less stable, I used my pay check to buy extra food, and to pay down bills and put money aside for the future storm of him losing a job. When my husband lost his job we had a very big amount in our savings, and food stored away. I

for the most part only need to buy
perishable items like deli meat, and things to put into my daughters lunches. This helps to put other money away for different bills. I have now paid off all of our credit card bills, and I have paid off my son's orthodontist bill. Our biggest
hurdle is paying our health insurance. I'm hoping that when summer comes my husband will sell one of our extra cars, and that I will get enough hours that our health insurance will not drain our savings. But for the most part I have been at peace with our situation. I know that this year may be rough, but with each week that we both have jobs, comes the promise of a better job, or a raise. As my husband continues to work he learns more and becomes more employable else where, but also becomes more relaxed where he is. I know that in a few months he will feel more confident and be able to either find a better job, or make better hours where he is.

I have to say that much of my preparedness comes from listening to the teachings of the leaders from my church. I have listened to them tell people to get out of debt, and to store away items that you need for the rainy days of life. Here is a link to an article about
preparing for storms. I know in listening to these messages and following the advice of the leaders of my church I have been blessed. And where we have fallen short, those around us have come in and helped. God has provided for us. I'm thankful and very much at peace with things in my life. I know that I'm still in the storm, but I have no fear of it overpowering me and my husband.

Moments of Joy:) Listening to my Son's Orchestra concert. Wow! Playing in the snow with my daughter before the bus came. Getting some much needed cleaning done.
Thankful for: My home, My friends, My Kitty.
The advice of my Church leaders.

Our little Christmas tree. My husband stuck it out to be taken with the garbage, it still hasn't been taken, but looks really pretty every time it snows.
Song of the day:)
The Mom Song!
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