I said goodbye to lots of time off, as I work a lot more and get paid a lot less. The same goes for my husband.
But we also had some good moments too. We said hello to working at the 4-H Fair, and hello to being members of the 4-H Cat club. I've made many new friends as I have started a new job. My husband has too. The kids also have had made many new friends at their new schools. We have helped others and others have helped us. I'm hoping that the pace of life for us smooths out and we don't feel as though we are constantly running a marathon. I'm hoping for a few less

hours at work now that the holidays are over so I can focus and do more things at home. I hope to read some new books, work on stuff for the cat club, plan out my garden, clean out my attic, and not use Credit cards.
I'm looking forward to the new year, the new learning and hopefully more Hello's than Goodbye's this year. I hope the same for you.
Tomorrow I will Say goodbye to "Losing my Job in New Jersey." and say Hello to "G.G.'s Life Without Credit Cards."
What have you said Goodbye to? What did you say Hello to? What do you hope for the new year?
My Kids dressed for Halloween. It was the first year I didn't go trick or treating because I was working. I'm not sure how many more years they will even dress up.

All the lovely Children's books. It was so calming to work among the books. Perhaps in a few years I'll be able to work at a public library. Who knows.

Goodbye to the Germ Thing on my old desk. I may have to go visit and just stick my fingers in for old time's.
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