Lines, Lines and more lines. There are many lines out there right now. On Sunday when I worked the lines were constant, and most of the people were buy loads of stuff. I wore the wrong shoes (They had a large heel, and did not eat enough for all the energy that I burnt bagging peoples stuff.) There are lines of traffic, lines of shoppers, lines at the bank. Ugh. As I sat in my car in a line of traffic I heard another great song. Thought I'd look and see if I could find it on U-Tube and share it with you. It's called "Where's the Line to See Jesus." And wouldn't it be great if there were more lines of people looking to see the

Savior than lines of cranky people buying stuff they can't afford just to please others. Although I'm glad for the fact that work is busy, I'd like to have more time to sit and think of the Savior, and to be able to give more of my time to serving others for him.
I'm very tired tonight. I have worked every day since last Tuesday. Tomorrow is my last night shift to Midnight. I've been getting home around 1am most nights. Of course I always get one morning shift and that was today. I was so tired today. I was glad that I could smile and be kind to most of the customers. I can see the strain and tiredness of all the employees. We are all ready for the crazy holiday rush to end. I will actually be glad for less hours and less lines. Although I still have not seen the day after Christmas and the lines of returns. So there is more for me to learn. Hope you click on the link and enjoy the song.
Moment of Joy: Snuggling with my cat this afternoon. Being home with my family. Talking with a friend on the phone.
Thankful for: All the many blessings I have. Too tired to type it out.
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