Hope you like the sea gull photo's. I'm still in a want to be back in the summer and beach kind of mode.
Here's the story of the day. I work for a retail store now and yesterday my eyes were opened to the sad and probably constant problem of theft. I had a customer who went through my line bought some items. (and in hindsight was acting quite odd). Who actually had put a lot of items in another bag that they did not pay for. Of course being new, and being the innocent that I feel I am when it comes to people being less than honest, I did not catch on to what was happening. But the ever present watcher of the store saw it.

And this person who thought they were being so clever got caught at the door. It was not a happy ending, more like cops and handcuffs. But when you steal you take that chance. It made me jittery for the rest of the day. And I am now a bit more wise as to what to look for. I find it sad that people steal. And yet since working I find that it happens quite a bit. People take small items and put them in their pockets or purses, or try to hide them at the bottom of the cart. We all end up paying for this in higher priced items. I know it is hard out there in the world right now, but stealing should still not be considered an option.
My son also had his eye's opened and a loss of his

Innocence this week. His school did a assembly on making good choices which featured the Columbine High school tragedy. I wish the school had thought to tell parents they were doing this, as my son came home extremely upset, and was worried someone would do this at his school or just come to our house and kill us. So He and my husband have been having quite alot of conversations. I had to drop something off at the school and I talked to one of the secretaries to let them know about this. I think if one child was upset perhaps others were too. I think that showing clips of what happened to students is not the best way to help children make good choices. I am amazed that they are allowed to do this and not notify the parents. Perhaps they think all 7th graders have seen violent things. In our house we do not watch T.V. and the children are not allowed to play violent video games so I think it was a very surprising and terrorizing thing for my son to see. I guess I have to be thankful for the bubble that we have lived in. Though it seems the world is conspiring to pop it on every front.
My husbands job seems to be going well still. He has been busy and learning. Thank you Heavenly Father.
Project Joy: Cooking comfort meals. Having almost no room to put the new groceries away,which means the house is full of food. Cuddling under a new blanket that I got for 90% off the original price. (there are benefits to working in a retail store) being able to bring things to my children's school's that they forgot. Hot coco in the morning with my daughter.
OK none of you have left a comment on what brings you joy. Help me out!
Thankful moments: Thankful for the other cashier who assured me that I was not at fault because the person tried to steal from the store and I didn't notice it. Thankful for cell phones when my son who is a little scared of bad guys locked the screen door having me locked out in the middle of night. Thankful for the abundance that surrounds me even in tough times. Thankful for jobs despite the low pay. Thankful for a little cat who leaves play mice under my pillow.
What is something you are thankful for?
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