Goodbye computer. This was the computer I used for the last two years. I donated the little cow on top too. I did lots of computer work while at the library. From scanning books in and out, to putting books and magazines in the system to learning how to do the inventory. I love working with computers.

Goodbye books to fix. This is the last pile of books that had problems to fix. Most came from the inventory and needed a code changed in the computer. Some needed to be taped up because they had torn pages. See the pile of sticky notes, that was how I knew what needed to be done. Sticky notes are something every library assistant needs to have lots of.

Goodbye books to shelve. Yes up until that last moment, children and teachers returned books. This was the last pile of books that I put away.

Goodbye red book return cart. Each morning this cart gets filled with books. Most of the time I saw it empty because I didn't arrive at work until 11:30. I made the sign on it. I thought the little girl with all the books looked cute.
I have to say I'm sorry for all the space in this section of the blog. I'm not to good at the adding photo's and words by them. It seems as I add photo's and rearrange things this space grows and I don't know how to get rid of it. I guess blogs are supposed to be small, and with the goodbyes, I wanted to have so much more. Thus the many goodbyes, because I couldn't get everything into one blog. But the day after school ended this quote was sent to me. I have felt all through this trial of losing my job that Heavenly Father has been there for me, and talking to me through friends, articles in magazines, songs and talks given at church and now even e-mails.
So to fill up the space before more goodbyes here is the e-mail message I recieved:
Change Can Be a Blessing We live in a time of rapid change--precipitated by technological advances, planetary disruptions, socio-cultural transitions, economic troubles, and virtually instantaneous global communication networks. And even though no one escapes the challenge of change, there's something hardwired into most human beings that makes us resist and resent it. In fact, the first reaction to a big change (actual or possible) is sometimes fear. But the Bible says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV). If an infant never changed, we would know something was wrong. Likewise, if our life never changed we would have no opportunities to grow. So, next time you face an unexpected change, especially an unwelcome one, look for the blessings hiding inside. Change is part of God's loving plan for us!
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