With 7 days left to work, I'm still shelving books, and labeling books. See in the photo's where the space is that is where I am. So there are 60 books on the desk waiting to be scanned in on Monday, and 7 1/2 shelves left to label. The pile of books were some that I was labeling. Today I was late getting to work. Actually I was right on time but being on time to me is being late. I like to be everywhere early. It is something that has been a part of me forever. In fact I thought the Librarian was going to be looking for me and worried because I wasn't early. But there were bigger issues. The new sub service didn't get a sub for one of the teachers, and the library had a sub because Mother Goose (Yes you read it right Mother Goose) came to visit with the kindergartners, and the librarian wanted a sub so that he could take photo's and help Mother Goose out. So our sub, ended up going to the other teachers class and things had to be juggled but it all worked out. I just didn't get the help that I had hoped for. Oh well.
So I have to tell you, Mother Goose is this woman who dresses in this bright yellow dress, and she does this great act for the kindergartners(what a long word!). They go over all the nursery rhymes and dance, and play. They love it. You have to be a special type of magical person to do this. And the woman who does this just fits the bill.
I was feeling stressed and sad today. A lot of crazy things are happening. First my husband is also on the verge of losing his job. On one day this week it looked like it might be a few weeks off, as something they were waiting for to happen since October began, so it looked like things were turning around, and then that failed. In fact my husbands boss was going to give him his notice yesterday, and then an unexpected check came in the mail, and so he will probably work another two weeks. Which will mean that I will win our race to unemployment.. Kind of a way to keep it light, we are racing to see who is unemployed first. I've known my date of dismissal since January, he has been in this job holding pattern for three years. It is getting so tiring. On one hand your happy you are employed on the other you just want to move on.... But where to? How long will it take? So what do you do, you look for your blessings day by day. You just live for today. I have a house, food, clothing and health today. I'm blessed today. Keep it to today. Don't look to far forward, and don't look back, just live the best and happiest you can today.
I also look for music that will hit how I'm feeling. My singer of the month is "Amy Grant" I like her song " Better Than A Hallelujah." I like the idea that God hears and loves us even when we are crying, and in pain. He loves us whether we are on top of the world or at the very bottom.
Her other song I like is " Somewhere Down the Road" Somewhere down the road there will be answers to the questions.. Her CD Somewhere down the road, just tells life like it is, hard, changing, and sometimes you just have to wait to find the answers. I don't know the answers, but I know that God is watching over me and will bring me and my family through it. I just have to remain faithful.
Amy Grant's husband, Vince Gill is pretty good too.