8 days left and I'm still changing labels. See where the hole in the books is, that is where I stopped today. There are 30 books on the desks ready to be labeled. I'm averaging about 2 and 1/2 shelves a day. I figure I'll be done about Wednesday, and then I need to put the last of the Magazines into the system and fix some books, and clean things up. The Librarian said he was going to stay late and do the inventory.
I am no longer checking out students or working with them. I miss that. It is pretty much putting books away and relabeling. Last year we were boxing all the books up. I remember we had a lot of rainy days and the whole "Swine Flu" issue. I'm glad that we don't have to deal with the "Swine flu" this year.
On the topic of "Swine flu" germs they are everywhere in a school. We went through one and a half bottles of Purell hand sanitizer. The Librarian said my gift to him next year could be a big bottle of Purell.
One of the books that the Librarian is reading to the first grade is "SCAREDY SQUIRREL." By Melanie Watt. It is such a cute book. Scaredy squirrel never leaves his nut tree, he eats nuts and looks at the view. He is afraid of everything including germs. Then one day his safety kit falls and he jumps after it, and finds out that he can fly. It changes his life a little... If you have young kids read this story to them, all the first graders have loved it. I may have to get a copy, as I connect with scaredy squirrel. I'm not sure I'm ready to leave the safety of my library job and head into the world of new possibilities.
One of my wishes lately was that I would be like "Samantha" in the Bewictched shows. She can twitch her nose and all the work is done. I'd like to look at the books twitch my nose and have all the labels on. I wonder just how many books I've labeled this year. I did all the beginner books, all the Caldecott books, all the fiction books and now most of the easy fiction books. All that will be left for someone else are the biography books and non-fiction. I may not be there next year but I've left many changes. It is feeling very weird to me that it will be over. I'm trying very hard to be positive. I'm not sure I like the change that is coming.
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