On the 12th day before school ended, it was field day, and when I got to work the library smelled like pizza. It had boxes of pizza, yumm. Unfortunately none was for me. I have to say that it made dinner an easy decision I had to have Pizza. There weren't very many books to put away which was nice. After putting books away I started the labeling process again. In the photo's you can see what I need, scissors, Spine label covers, books, new spine labels, a computer, and scanner gun. I love using the scanner gun. I hope in my next job I get to use a scanner gun.
I set a record of 210 books labeled.
The really nice thing about this day is I had the library all to myself. The AC was on, and it was just me and the books. I know that in the future when I visit a library I'm going to want to just organize the books. There is something just relaxing about putting the books in order. Also in putting them away, and organizing them, I know where every book is. If someone wants a book I know exactly where to direct them. I know if I work for a book store, one thing I won't mind doing is putting books away, and making everything neat, and tidy because that's how you learn where everything goes.
I'll miss my quiet in the library days. I'm actually thinking if I go back and volunteer that I will do it when there are no classes, so I can put the books away, and maybe help with computer work, like putting magazines in the system and fixing damaged books. So much to think about. Well at least I will be able to collect unemployment and think about what I want to do with my life.
It was eye opening to listen to some of the teachers talk today. Some think in a year or two their jobs will also be gone. They fear that art and music will be taken from the k-4 schools. They are already dropping the 6 day cycle. Kindergartner's are not going to have specials everyday, instead it will be every other day. So much is changing. It was sad to hear one of the teachers say " My commute next year will be from my bedroom to my kitchen." These were great teachers and the school will not be the same with out them. The school next year will not be the same. In that sense I'm glad I'm leaving. I'm also glad my children had the great programs while they were at the school. My daughter participated in the last big school concert. That's right no more big chorus concerts next year. They were so great. My son sang his first solo when he was in 4th grade. The music teacher was just great. She made the children love signing.
Change. I'm not sure I like it. What do you think?
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